Written by: Charmaine
Edited by: Ravjyot Ughra
Designed by: Maahi Jain
Published by: Rayna Almas



From the colonial times food systems have been engraved into Canada history evolving through centuries. From the earliest period of Canadian life, food systems were introduced  when agriculture and the domestication of animals helped make permanent settlements. During the late 19th and early 20th century, the basic policy infrastructures of the food systems were established. Consequently, Keynesian economics helps impact future shaped plans on the food systems, governments have opposed stepping in food consumption issues. The people living in these settlements were able to feed them and their families by their crops and animals. However, they grew too much food, then they actually needed, which changed their lifestyle for them. They would no longer have to move to find fresh food. Back then hunters and gatherers were a big thing, harvesting activities such as hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering wild plants. This has been a big part of Indigenous peoples’ way of life in Canada for millennia which is still held up by today. In addition, they were able to make an abundance of grains which shaped the making of art, religion and government.


Over time, different cultures developed unique food systems that were shaped by factors like climate. Progressively, many cultures introduced different food systems,which were changed by elements like climate, geography, and source they had at the time. While civilization expanded and evolved, food systems changed to fit the needs of the larger populations. Now, food systems are influenced by many different elements, like technology, politics and economics. Currently, food systems are complex and include many important steps from the farming to the food process to transport and finally distribution.




History | Food Policy for Canada. (n.d.). https://foodpolicyforcanada.info.yorku.ca/backgrounder/history/

Hueston, W. (2012). OVERVIEW OF THE GLOBAL FOOD SYSTEM: CHANGES OVER TIME/SPACE AND LESSONS FOR FUTURE FOOD SAFETY. Improving Food Safety Through a One Health Approach – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK114491/ 



Imperial roots of the global food system | Climate & Capitalism. (2021, June 29). Climate & Capitalism. https://climateandcapitalism.com/2021/06/29/imperial-roots-of-the-global-food-system/ 

Torell, A. (2020, June 12). Population | Political Ecology of the World Food System. https://sites.uw.edu/pols385/category/http-sites-uw-edu-pols385-topics/https-sites-uw-edu-pols385-population/