Andrew Jackson

Program Manager 

Hello! I’m Andrew. I originally joined Youth in Food Systems back in 2020 as a summer staff and returned for summer 2023. I’m now back with YFS for the third time and stepping into the role of Program Manager. I have a Masters in Environmental Studies and am passionate about creating impactful opportunities to strengthen our communities and improve our relationship with nature…… that’s why I think YFS is awesome!

This is a project that exists within and throughout communities all across Waterloo Region with the chance to not just impact youth but, through our youth volunteers, impact all community members that our programs impact!

Email: andrew@seeds.ca

Rayna Almas

Communications & Administration Lead

Hi everyone! I’m Rayna and I joined Youth in Food Systems back in 2019 as a summer student while finishing up my BASc. in Child, Youth, and Family at the University of Guelph. This work then inspired me to pursue graduate studies in Food Security and Urban Agriculture.

Our program means a lot to me because young people should understand how interesting, complex, and worthwhile food systems work can be, and the possibilities that exist for them to be agents of change. I am grateful to be able to spend my time contributing to and advancing youth leadership and skill building in a sector that should matter a lot to all of us: food!

Email: rayna@seeds.ca

Allison Eady

Research & Evaluation Lead

Hi! I’m Allison and I joined Seeds of Diversity in 2019 to help grow the School Food Gardens program. As a PhD Candidate in Community psychology, I am so excited to be able to continue the work I started through a scan of school gardens in Waterloo Region that helped create this project. One of the things I appreciate most about working with Seeds of Diversity and the School Food Gardens / Youth in Food Systems program is the chance to connect research and action to keep growing and improving the work we do. I love working with schools to help them plan and build their dream gardens, and connecting with youth learning about all of the ways we can create change in our food systems.

Teresa Trinh

Content Creation & Interview Series Lead 

Hi! I’m Teresa and I am so excited to join the YFS team this summer. Sustainable agriculture and resilient food systems have always been topics that I’ve gravitated towards in my studies and in my career pursuits. From completing my BSc. in Environmental Science to working in various small-scale ecological vegetable farms in both BC and Ontario, I have grown a deeper appreciation for this work and the connections I’ve made with both people and the land. All of this to say, I am particularly excited to support this project and to share, learn and grow with the YFS team and participants through amplifying the role of robust local food systems in building a sustainable future for our communities.

Sierra Radovini

Youth-Led Markets & School Gardens Co-Lead

Hi everyone! I’m Sierra and I joined the YFS team this summer as a youth program coordinator, specifically working as one of the youth-led markets and school garden leads. I’ve recently graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor’s in Public Health, where I’ve learned about the importance of food sustainability and its role in the well-being of future generations. In working with YFS this summer, I’ll have the opportunity to combine my passion for food sustainability and gardening with my commitment to improving youth health through research. I’m hoping to use this opportunity to positively impact my community!

Tracy Tran

Youth-Led Markets & School Gardens Co-Lead

Hey everyone! My name is Tracy and I’m super excited to be a part of the YFS team this summer as a youth-led market and school garden co-lead. I’m currently a second year undergrad student pursuing a bachelors of environmental studies in urban planning. I’m passionate about youth mental health, sustainability, food systems, and urban agriculture so I’m eager to be involved with youth-led projects and creating exciting spaces for youth to be creative.