Partners and Supporters
We are incredible grateful to all of our funders and supporters for making Youth in Food Systems possible. Below you will find a highlight of our major funders and sponsors, and towards the bottom of the page you will find our garden build project funders (2017 – 2021).

Silverheights P.S. Garden
Build Day with Your Neighbourhood Credit Union
On June 21, 2018, Silverheights P.S. was granted a lovely new food garden from our friends at Your Neighbourhood Credit Union. Volunteers from the local Cambridge chapter came to help build the gardens alongside the eager staff and student groups. Dozens of students were able to participate in building their food garden by shovelling soil, and planting seeds and donated seedlings from Empire P.S.
The students planted carrots, beans, corn, squash, tomatoes, and even watermelon in the raised beds. One bed is designated for the Indigenous learning curriculum regarding the “Three Sisters” planting practices of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.
The wood frames for the gardens came from woodworking students at KCI and were constructed for student volunteer hours. Thanks to the collaboration of our friends and sponsors, we were able to build another new garden in 2018 for student experienced-based learning and school food garden curriculum.