Author: Rita Banyameen

Editor: Connor Fraser

Graphic Designer: Rayna Almas

Publisher: Jumana Ismail


A look at how technological advancements offers a great ideal of potential for lowering our carbon impact on the Earth. 

Green technology is our best hope for reversing the effects of pollution and climate change. We will discuss some new technological advances that are transforming the energy sector in this article. These technologies enable the capture of clean energy from natural resources like water and sunlight, and they have the potential to transform the energy market towards sustainability.

Sunlight transposition 

We all know that conserving energy is the most effective strategy to reduce carbon emission. What if we could use sunshine alone to illuminate a huge building? Parans, a Swedish business, has been working on this. Sunlight transports their invention, it’s a passive system that channels sunlight from an external source and delivers it over fiber optic cables to illuminate dark areas. As a result, energy use during the day has been reduced to zero. The sunlight emitting luminaries resemble regular lamps in appearance and functions, emitting ambient light. The parana system may distribute light in a variety of ways, including over bored surfaces, directed at the ceiling and onto big wall areas like a cascade. People can re-establish a connection with the nature cycle even in the darkest rooms since the light changes as the sunshine outside changes. According to parans, fiber optic cables can carry sunshine 100 meters within a building while maintaining maximum light intensity. There is no energy used because the internal illuminatio is provided by the passive system -at least during the daylight hour. The system must be replaced by a regular artificial setting in the evening 

Generation of energy from the waves 

Oceans energy, which includes energy from waves,tides and currents, is a huge resource. The entire energy accessible along the continental shelf of the United States could offer nearly half of the country’s total supply. An Austrian company has been developing a technology that converts sea waves into zero emission energy and desalinated water using underwater buoys. The primary feature of the system is the steel-made buoys,which can currently generate 240 kilowatts. While undersea waves are adequate to create power, the buoys are less subject to significant weather damage. The high pressure water is driven to an onshore power plant by the buoy’s pumps. The turbines are spun by high pressure water which produce zero-carbon electricity.a desalination plant can also be powered by the system. If applied on a big scale, the company estimates that the price of energy generated from the water will be competitive with diesel. Tidal energy is another promising option in this field because of it’s reliable and consistent availability, it has enormous potential in the renewable energy industry 

Farms and vertical gardens Vertical farming is a green technology that has the ability to alleviate our food supply issues. The idea is to grow produce vertically rather than horizontally in stacked layers. Increased sustainability is a benefit of vertical farming. Some vertical farms don’t even require soil, reducing water consumption by a factor of ten. We can now establish vertical farms in buildings all around cities, providing people with fresh and nutritious food. Vertical farms can use 95 percent less water than a typical field thanks to the latest innovations in vertical farming, such as an intelligent root misting system for indoor food. Vertical farms offer the ability to provide food to overcrowded cities while using less space and water. They also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by removing the need for long-distance transportation of the produce. Vertical farms have arisen all over the world in recent years, including Vancouver, Panama, Singapore, and cities in the United Kingdom and the United States. The picture on the left shows Ontario’s first vertical farm. 




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Gonçalves, J. (2021, February 11). 10 green technologies that will change the world. Medium. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from f7a709c1a15.

Schaer, L., Schaer, L., About the author Lilian Schaer’s recent articles Using innovation to save declining species3 days ago Mushrooms offer new products and opportunities October 13, Lilian Schaer’s recent articles using innovation to save declining species3 days ago Mushrooms offer new products and opportunities October 13, articles, L. S. recent, & Articles, M. (2019, September 10). Ontario’s first vertical farm produces local herbs. Farmtario. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from