Written by: Mannat Malhan

Edited by: Jelena Mandic

Designed by: Eshika Hiremath

Published by: Maryam Khan


A colourful metropolis flowing with life, where towering buildings stand tall against the sky with the sounds of car horns and chatter. In the midst of this, a different kind of world thrives – the world of urban agriculture. Today, we’re going to be diving into the lush landscapes and innovative practices that define this. So, let’s get ready to explore hidden gardens and the little rooftop farms that bring the touch of nature into the concrete urban lives. 


You might be thinking why anyone would want to bother even growing their own garden or raising animals in a city where there are huge superstores full of produce. Well, urban agriculture is more than just putting food on the table. No, it’s a movement that’s growing in cities around the globe for a bunch of reasons. Some of these reasons you can get involved in as well. 


First off, let’s talk green, and I don’t mean money. Urban agriculture is a splash of greenery while using the life that we’re used to. It’s not just about pretty plants, but it’s a total game changer when it comes to food security. With more and more cities and homes being built, traditional practices can’t catch up. That’s where urban farms pop in, producing fresh, nutritious food. It’s a root to a solution to food deserts, where people have limited access to healthy and affordable nutrition.


Also, let’s not forget about knowing where your food comes from! With urban agriculture, you can shake hands with the farmer who grew your tomatoes. You foster a deeper connection between cities and their food, whether it’s through community gardens, rooftop beehives, or even farmers’ markets. 


Here’s another question that pops up – “But isn’t urban agriculture just a drop in the bucket compared to industrial farming. I mean, it’s way bigger.” Yes, you’re right. It may not give a lot overnight, but it has potential. Urban agriculture is a seed – small but a huge part of something, that has the power to grow into something way bigger. It’s not all about quantity; it’s about quality too. Urban agriculture uses practices like rainwater harvesting, composting, organic growing methods, greenhouses, rooftop gardening, and most importantly, paving the way for a cleaner food system. 


Of course, like anything in this world, urban agriculture has its adversities. Land scarcity, lack of resources, and zoning regulations make it harder for urban farmers to get up on their feet. There’s also the natural problems like pollution, unpredictable weather and let’s not forget the worst – pests. 


Let’s say you tried to start an urban farm. First of all, watch out for zoning areas. Some farmers will do whatever, while some look into the legal parts and make sure they’re on board with everything. Also, some cities restrict businesses run from your home, in terms of capacity and the ability to promote themselves with it. According to Growing with Market, a farmer has a small sign that advertises produce; if the sign gets too big or multiplies, they might or will face official resistance. To run a farm, you might need a special use permit if you live in a residential zone.


But hey, if there’s a will, there is a way, right? Urban farmers are finding creative solutions to keep the vegetables growing! There are things like keeping it local, making it small scale, and keeping it organic. 


If you want to start urban farming, you can start small! You can grow a garden in your backyard or have tactical gardens. This uses the limited space that you are given to practice agriculture without having to pay hefty fees for special permits or expenses. If you’re feeling up to it, you can have your own greenhouse. Start by planting tomatoes or some chilies that you can use in your day-to-day cooking. Many city citizens find that they’re able to save a huge amount of money every year by growing their own food. Not only are you helping the planet and creating new ecosystems, but you’re also saving the bank! 


If you’re not feeling up to growing your own, then you can totally volunteer or bring awareness to urban agriculture online. There’s many ways you can post about it, and even learn about it. Well, you’re kind of learning about it right now on the blog, so win-win. 


So there you have it, a little peek into the world of urban agriculture. It’s a movement with big dreams and an even bigger impact. It’s all about turning the bland world of ours into lush, green havens full of fruits, even if it’s one seed at a time. So next time you stroll through the city streets, keep an eye out for nature – you will never know what tasty surprises might be growing just around the corner. 




Kelly, Katherine. “Watch for These Obstacles in Starting an Urban Farm.” Growingformarket.com, growingformarket.com/articles/start-an-urban-farm. Accessed 11 Feb. 2024

soleadmin. “Urban Farming Challenges & Advantages.” Sole Food Street Farms, 9 Nov. 2016, solefoodfarms.com/urban-farming-challenges-advantages/.

“Challenges Facing Urban Farmers Working to Feed People in Need.” WVTF, 14 Aug. 2023,  www.wvtf.org/news/2023-08-14/challenges-facing-urban-farmers-working-to-feed-people-in-need. Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.

Stall-Paquet, Caitlin. “Fresh from the City: The Rise of Urban Farming.” Canadian Geographic.ca, 9 July 2021, canadiangeographic.ca/articles/fresh-from-the-city-the-rise-of-urban-farming/.

“10 Types of Urban Farming to Practice – Synnefa.” Help.synnefa.io, help.synnefa.io/articles/2021/11/19/10-types-of-urban-farming-to-practice.

SeventhQueen, and Natalia Kolkowska. “Urban Farming and Sustainability.” Sustainable Review, 3 July 2023, sustainablereview.com/urban-farming-and-sustainability/.

“What Are Different Methods of Urban Farming?” On Upkeepupkeep.com/learning/methods_urban_farming/.

Rabin, Jade. “Urban Agriculture: The Solution to Urban Pollution the Urban Farming Company.” Microhabitat.ca, 7 July 2023, microhabitat.ca/urban-agriculture-the-solution-to-urban-pollution/. Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.

42 Easy to Grow Greenhouse Plants for Beginners | Greenhouse Emporium. 12 Apr. 2019, greenhouseemporium.com/easy-to-grow-greenhouse-plant/.