Written by: Alessia Carpino


Disclaimer: All topics expressed are based on the writer’s personal opinion and their research. If people use any of the information in this article, they are using them at their own risk. People should refer to the writer’s sources for more information. People should not take this as medical advice and should always consult a professional for issues such as insomnia, infections, and high blood pressure before using new products on the skin. 


Plants are essential to our overall well-being. They provide support to our mental and physical health and play a critical role in the survival of all living things. Read below to learn more about the many benefits plants have on your overall health.



There are several benefits to lavender, from improving the quality of your sleep to reducing your blood pressure and heart rate. Keeping a lavender plant in your home or bedroom greatly helps with insomnia, restlessness, anxiety and depression because of its calming colour and pleasant scent. In addition, lavender is great for skin care. If you put lavender flowers in a spray bottle and simply spray the water when your skin is feeling dry or irritable, you can have quick relief. Lavender is also a beneficial option to treat wounds and infections. By applying crushed lavender leaves on injuries, the leaves will create a quicker healing time for wounds and prevent the advancements of infections. Additionally, lavender helps protect your heart health. Due to its relaxing qualities, lavender helps the heart by reducing blood pressure and the tension on blood vessels. This can prevent cardiovascular issues like a heart attack or stroke. Lavender helps improve your health in these and many more ways!

Lavender plants favour well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. They also require deep watering, but be cautious not to water this plant too often. Try to water your lavender plant when the soil is nearly dry. 



Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, also known as the plant of immortality, is a NASA-approved houseplant for improving indoor air quality, based on their popular study on houseplants in the late 1980s. Unfortunately, based on some more recent studies, these plants don’t significantly remove contaminants from the air. 

However, this plant is beneficial when you need to soothe irritated skin, as aloe vera has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for this issue. The substance found in the inner part of the plant’s leaf can be applied directly to your skin. People typically use this gel-like substance to help them treat burns, sunburns, cold sores, frostbite and more. For example, aloe vera can reduce the healing time of burns by about 9 days in comparison to standard medication. Aloe vera is also a natural treatment option for psoriasis and eczema. Before using aloe vera as a treatment, talk to your doctor in case you have any allergies. 

Since aloe vera is a succulent, it thrives in dry conditions and cannot tolerate standing water. It’s also very important this plant has access to bright light, therefore your aloe vera plant should stay near south or west-facing windows. 




This herb has been used in folk medicine for centuries to improve concentration and memory. This claim may be valid since a study directed by Northumbria University found that people exposed to the scent of rosemary essential oil performed better on questionnaires in comparison to people who were not exposed to any scent. The secret to the memory-boosting component of rosemary is believed to be a compound that causes increases in a neurotransmitter (one of the body’s chemical messengers). Be sure to keep a rosemary plant nearby when you are doing important tasks for school or work to boost your concentration and memory!

Not only is rosemary tasty, but it is also nutritious as this herb is a good source of iron, calcium and vitamins A, B-6 and C. Rosemary’s nutrients help protect skin cells from damage caused by our Sun. In addition, rosemary is beneficial in fighting against digestion issues, bacterial infections and more. Herbs like rosemary are a great substitution for salt or pepper to add a healthy kick to your meal. Other herbs to use instead of salt or pepper include coriander, basil, dill, oregano, parsley, etc. In conclusion, rosemary is a great herb to help your mind and body!

Rosemary can be planted in a pot at a spot with bright sunlight. It should be watered evenly and regularly during the growing season, but less often in the winter. It’s important to not over-water your rosemary plant and trim it once after it flowers. 



Other plants that greatly enhance your overall health include:


These and several other plants have incredible advantages to your overall health. Maybe these plants can even benefit your health needs! If you’re interested in this topic, you can read the first part of this article “How Gardening Can Improve Your Overall Health”. Thanks for reading!


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