Author: Sara Mohsen

Editor: Connor Fraser

Graphic Designer: Emily Sheng

Publisher: Jumana Ismail


Growing plants is beneficial for the spirit. It’s a pleasurable experience that helps you clear your thoughts and re-energize your spirit. Vegetables are among the easiest plants to grow. Aside from producing food, they also offer numerous other advantages, like cleaning the air. Contrary to popular belief, vegetables or vegetable gardens are not necessarily filthy and untidy. In reality, they may be both clean and elegant, as well as ornamental. Here are six ways to decorate your vegetable garden. 


Rather than growing veggies on the ground, consider growing them vertically on a wall. Aside from being beautiful, this method allows you to quickly reach your plant. It will also save you a lot of room on the ground. This, in my opinion, is the finest approach to design your vegetable garden.


Adding a trellis to your vegetable garden is one method to make it more visually appealing. The trellis will provide support for your vegetables, allowing them to develop and thrive more quickly. It will keep your vegetables contained and prevent them from expanding to take up more area than they require.





You have to think outside the garden now and then. Many vegetables, especially those that grow quickly and are picked regularly, such as lettuce and other salad greens, make appealing bedding plants. A shaded place beneath a tree is ideal for them. Alternatively, you might try a row of things like carrots at the edge of a sunny border, where there is lots of sunlight. 










All you need is a basic crate to start a salad garden that will last for weeks. This is similar to a raised bed garden, but because it is self-contained, it is movable. When full, it may be too heavy to lift, but if you put wheels on it, you can move it to wherever the sun chose to shine. A lot may be crammed into a tiny space. Regularly “picked” vegetables, such as lettuce, carrots, and onions will be thinned down as you harvest them, preventing overpopulation.



Raised beds are sometimes only a few inches from the ground. While this provides benefits to the plants, such as increased drainage and faster soil warming in spring, it also provides a benefit to the gardener if the bed is raised even higher: less bending. Lifting the planting beds to waist height, as the three weathered troughs that run through this colorful garden do, means less bending and significantly fewer animal concerns that would otherwise necessitate an extra fence.





In my opinion, these are the amazing ways to style your vegetable garden. These ways will help you have a beautiful decorative and productive vegetable garden.


