The Unknown Intelligence of Plants

The Unknown Intelligence of Plants

Written by: Rita Banyameen   How plants, like us, can think, feel, and have similar functions like humans all without the use of a brain.    As humans, we are told that we are among the most intelligent organisms on the planet, which has caused us to lose...
Planning a Garden

Planning a Garden

Written by: Jeninaah Hamilton   Are you interested in building a garden in your front yard, back yard, or indoors? Well, this is a guide to help you with the main essentials you will need and tips on what is best for your plants’ growth. If you are not interested...
Why Gardening is Better Than Buying Produce

Why Gardening is Better Than Buying Produce

Written by: Mehavi Jeyabalan   Even though all produce is grown in soil, there are substantial differences between purchasing produce at the supermarket and growing your own. Growing produce by ourselves allows us to take control of our diets and ensure our...