Water Pollution

Water Pollution

Written by: Mia   Hey readers! We’ve all known this word pollution as a negative release into our environment. This statement is virtually true, but there’s much more than just that to fully know and understand pollution itself. Pollution is defined as “the...
Overfishing – A Reality Check

Overfishing – A Reality Check

Written by: Mehavi Jeyabalan        Overfishing has been a problem since the 1800s and continues to be one of the most significant environmental issues today. According to a study, there will be no more fish in the ocean by 2050 if the world proceeds to overfish....
Waterloo’s Take on Sustainability

Waterloo’s Take on Sustainability

Written by: Rita Banyameen   “Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good. –Jochen Zeitz”    Sustainability is typically defined as the processes and actions by which humanity avoids depletion of natural resources in...