Written by: Shaheer.S

Edited by: Colleen Haridass

Designed by: Shaheer.S

Published by: Maryam Khan



                In the face of a changing planet, it’s important for all of us to understand how our natural resources work and what we can do to protect them. The field of hydrology is critical to understanding water on Earth and its implications for the human race. It is the study of water and its properties, as well as how it behaves in different situations. A hydrologist is a scientist who studies the origin, distribution, quantity, movement, and other properties of water in the soil, groundwater, streams, lakes, and rivers. A hydrogeologist has expertise in groundwater as well as surface water. They are often consultants with an in-depth knowledge of groundwater conditions and geological structures that affect water supply. They also have an understanding of local environmental conditions like rainfall or drought which could impact groundwater levels.


Who is a Hydrologist?

A hydrologist is a scientist who studies the origin, distribution, quantity, movement, and other properties of water in the soil, groundwater, streams, lakes, and rivers. The scope for a hydrologist is enormous as water impacts everything, from agriculture to wildlife, from health to economics and from the built environment to climate change. A hydrologist’s work is crucial to the health of our planet and all the life within it. Hydrologists can work in a wide variety of fields and different areas. Some work in government agencies while others work for private companies. Others work in academia or teach at the university level.


Career Path for a Hydrologist

A hydrologist typically begins their career with a bachelor’s degree. You can usually major in hydrology at a number of universities, or select a major that combines hydrology with another discipline such as biology, chemistry, geography, or engineering. This is a great degree for a variety of career paths. Once you have your degree, you can find entry-level jobs with government agencies, hydrological consulting firms, or private companies that work in the field of water sustainability. The hydrologist’s typical career path usually involves a combination of education and experience.


Responsibilities of a Hydrologist

A hydrologist’s primary responsibility is to study the flow and movement of water. This includes all forms of water, from groundwater to surface water (including lakes and rivers). The hydrologist also studies the chemical and biological properties of water, as well as how all of these factors interact with each other, including human activities and climate change. The hydrologist must also be able to collect and interpret data. This data should contain information about the quality and quantity of water, including measurements of the depth and flow rates.


How Does a Hydrologist Collect Data?

A hydrologist will use various tools in the field to collect data. This can include monitoring water flow and levels at different locations, as well as measuring the surrounding topography and local geology. Some hydrologists use remote sensing techniques such as satellites. A hydrologist will use a variety of instruments to collect data. Some of these include water gauges, probes, or augers.


Types of Data Collected by Hydrologists

Hydrologists analyze a wide variety of data, including precipitation, groundwater levels, water quality, and streamflow.  The quantity of water that drops from the sky is referred to as precipitation. Groundwater is the water that is held in the soil. Water quality refers to the chemical composition of water. Streamflow is the rate at which water flows in a river or stream. Hydrologists analyze all of these factors to understand how they interact with each other. This allows them to forecast how they will impact human activities and the environment.


What Can Be Learned From This Data?

A hydrologist uses data to draw conclusions about water conditions in an area. They interpret this data to create models and graphs that help us understand how our natural resources work. A hydrologist can draw conclusions about water availability, water quality, and water use. This data can help inform decisions about water sustainability. This is especially important in times of drought or heavy rainfall. This data can also help inform decisions about the best areas to build wells, reservoirs, and dams. It is also useful when determining how groundwater will be impacted by activities such as climate change, urbanization, and agricultural practices. This data enables us to make better decisions about the use of water. It is also useful for predicting how changes in the climate will impact water availability.



Works Cited

N/A, N. A. (2022, June 8). Hydrologist: Occupations in Alberta – alis. Government of Alberta. Retrieved                               September 9, 2022, from Hydrologist: Occupations in Alberta – alis

McKay, D. R. (2019, June 25). Hydrologist job description: Salary, skills, and more. LiveAbout. Retrieved                          September 11, 2022, from https://www.liveabout.com/hydrologist-525671  

Explorer, C. (2022, January 12). What does a hydrologist do? CareerExplorer. Retrieved September 16, 2022,                  from What does a hydrologist do? – CareerExplorer