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Marine Biologist
Career Spotlights Climate and Environment Nature & The Outdoors

Marine Biologist

Assume you're at your lab bench, peering through magnifying glasses at a small invertebrate in a specimen dish. You are...
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Broccoli: A vegetable that shows its purpose
Food and Beyond

Broccoli: A vegetable that shows its purpose

Broccoli is not only tasty and healthy, but it also has a number of health advantages. According to research, broccoli...
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The Issues of Monoculture
Climate and Environment Gardens and Farms

The Issues of Monoculture

There are many issues with monoculture but before we get into that, what exactly is monoculture? 
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Daily Habits That Are Slowly Killing The Environment

Daily Habits That Are Slowly Killing The Environment

Daily Habits That Are Slowly Killing The Environment   Written By: Tahreem Noor Edited By: Colleen H Designed By: Advita...
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Sustainable Fishing
Climate and Environment Food and Beyond Nature & The Outdoors

Sustainable Fishing

Written by: Janujan Edited by: Maryam Nasser  Designed by: Jiya Mehta Published by: Maryam Khan       Sustainable fishing...
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