Written By: Nabiha 

Edited By: Ravjyot Ughra

Designed By: Nabiha

Published By: Maryam Khan


     With all the new eco-friendly innovations these days, electric cars are certainly a popular topic. However, many car enthusiasts and environmentalists have argued whether they are actually making a difference or not. This article will briefly touch on how efficient electric cars truly are.


First of all, how are electric cars supposed to be better than gas cars anyways? Electric cars rely on a battery to run rather than engines, and the batteries are rechargeable. This means that they don’t require fuel to refill their car like most do, so it doesn’t use as much fossil fuels when it comes to refilling your car.

Photo Provided By LaserAX


Although this might sound like a good thing at first, there are some problems with this. The batteries in the electric cars burn a heavy amount of fossil fuels in order to construct it, and considering that the batteries only have a warranty for up to five years, it means that the owner needs to buy new batteries every few years, thus increasing fossil fuels being burnt to manufacture the battery.


So, in the long run, which type of cars cause less emissions? This really depends on the car and its longevity. If it’s an electric car that has a long lasting battery and life, it will most likely cause less emissions than a normal gas car. However, if it has a shorter battery life expectancy and needs to get it changed every few years (most electric cars are at this stage), then gas cars would be more beneficial. When it comes down to questions like this, it’s hard to pick a side.

Photo Provided By Environmental Protection Agency


There’s also many car enthusiasts who prefer traditional gas cars rather than electric ones. This is largely because of their love for the engines, as they are simply much better than batteries and have some specs that the battery cannot replicate. Engines are also a vastly important part of car culture, and is something that most people, including myself, would not like to die down.


So, do their opinions really matter? That’s not for me to decide, but everytime someone argues that engines are useless, they must remember that engines have a lot of history, hardwork and memories associated with them. 

Photo Provided By Lexus UK Magazine


So, in the end, which car is better? As I said before, it depends on the car and it’s life expectancy, and also on the people who decide to buy the car. For some people, engines will always be better, and for others, batteries would be. The honest answer to this would be that both sides are correct, and we must learn to respect other people’s decisions.



Clifford, Joe. “Https://Mag.lexus.co.uk/Wp-Content/Uploads/Sites/3/2018/07/Lexus-LFA-Engine-Prototype.jpg .” Lexus UK Magazine, 19 July 2018, https://mag.lexus.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/07/Lexus-LFA-engine-prototype.jpg . Accessed 16 Apr. 2023.

Google Search, Google, https://www.google.com/search?q=are%2Belectric%2Bcars%2Bgood%2Bfor%2Bthe%2Benvironment%2Bpros%2Band%2Bcons&rlz=1CAJIKU_enCA1022CA1022&ei=rKA8ZJadA7eH0PEPubSSoA0&oq=how%2Bare%2Belectric%2Bcars%2Bgood%2Bfor%2Bthe%2Benvironment&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQARgBMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADSgQIQRgAUABYAGCxJ2gDcAF4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAMgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp&safe=active&ssui=on.


“Https://Www.epa.gov/System/Files/Images/2022-09/Infographic-3b-Bg.png .” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 13 Apr. 2023, https://www.epa.gov/system/files/images/2022-09/Infographic-3b-bg.png . Accessed 16 Apr. 2023.

“Https://Www.laserax.com/Sites/Default/Files/Public/Ev-Battery-Cell-Types.jpg .” LaserAX, 6 May 2022, https://www.laserax.com/sites/default/files/public/ev-battery-cell-types.jpg . Accessed 16 Apr. 2023.