Written by: Betty

Edited by: Jelena Mandic

Designed by: Alessa Zaitseva

Published by: Maryam Khan


The Proven Benefits Of Eating Olive Oil

There are many studies that have proven that olive oil contains a decent amount of fatty acids and nutrients that can prevent strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and prevent inflammation. 

Olive Oil Helps Prevent Inflammation

The most important benefit of eating olive oil is to prevent inflammation. Inflammation plays a pivotal role in causing atherosclerosis – hardened blood vessels – and strokes. The oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid had reduced the level of biomarker of inflammation – C-reactive protein – in an experiment conducted in 1998. 


Olive Oil Is A Recommended Source Of Antioxidant 

The prevention of cardiovascular diseases and anxiety is mediated by antioxidants. It exists in berries, nuts and (surprisingly) chocolate! Antioxidant is renowned for its ability to reduce inflammation and the speed of aging. The recent research focuses on the relationship between polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant properties but it has a more important function – promoting antimicrobial and inflammatory activity. The oleic acid every 50 ml of olive oil contains is equivalent to half an adult dosage of ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory pills)

Benefits on Preventing Strokes

Strokes are the disturbance of the blood flooding to the vital tissues – brain and heart – caused by blockage. The monounsaturated fat and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid that olive oil contains are extensively studied by researchers. 75% of the experiment’s participants were at much lower risks of getting strokes, and 34% of them showed a slower progress of developing atherosclerosis. 


Health Advice: Mediterranean Diet 

In addition, the Mediterranean diet is a well-known healthy diet consisting of nuts, seafood, beans, vegetables, fruits, whole grain and a little proportion of red meat. It has a healthy eating pattern for the prevention of strokes, early aging, and lengthens life expectancy. What’s worth learning from is the proportion of monounsaturated fat, fiber, plant-based protein and vitamins. On the other hand, people only get 2% of daily energy from fiber overall in North America. Our diets are still predominated by red meat, trans fat and salt. It’s a recommended diet for obese or diabetic people. At the end of the day, quality extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy. Due to its powerful antioxidants, it benefits your heart, brain, joints and more.