Written by: Niyati Patel

Edited by: Ravjyot Ughra

Designed by: Cece Ndiwa

Published by: Maryam Khan


Healthy bodies and healthy minds are a common term that is heard. Recent studies have found that human food choices impact the environment. Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains have been found to be the best to protect earth from climate change. And foods such as meats and dairy products were found to be unhealthier for the environment.  


Importance of Healthy Foods for Humans:  

Healthy eating has long been associated with a longer life span and puts people at a lower risk for serious and dangerous diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables carry many vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, plant protein and antioxidants which are great for the human body. Vitamins and minerals are essential for human bodies to function. Foods that are considered to be ‘junk’ or unhealthy are usually those that have a high intake of fat, sugars, and salts. 

Some Healthy Foods Options: 

  • Fruits- Fruits are high in valuable minerals such as zinc, iron, and vitamin c. They are also very rich in antioxidants which are essential for the immune system to function properly
  • Nuts- Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios are all great in providing essential minerals for bone and cognitive health to the body. Nuts are typically high in calcium and potassium which are crucial for healthy bone development. 
  • Lean Unprocessed meats- these types of meats are typically low in fat and high in protein which is essential for muscle growth and heart health
  • Vegetables- Kale, Broccoli, Eggplants etc. as much as these names sound unappealing, these vegetables are great for human physical and mental health. Kale for example is high in Vitamin C and K and also is full of fiber which is great for digestive health


Importance of Healthy Foods for the Environment:  

Healthy foods are essential for humans and the environment. Climate friendly food such as fruits and vegetables help produce fertile soil and keep the environment healthy for humans by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Foods like processed meats produce methane in the process of producing these foods for us. Methane is not healthy for the environment. 

In conclusion, healthy foods are essential for both the environment and for us-humans. Healthy foods not only ensure long-term health for us but they also ensure a healthy planet for us to live on. As we all know that we only have one planet and we must keep it sustainable. 



NRDC: Eat green – our everyday food choices affect global warming and … (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2023, from https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/eatgreenfs_feb2010.pdf 


How tweaking your diet can help save the planet. UNEP. (n.d.). Retrieved May 1, 2023, from https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/how-tweaking-your-diet-can-help-save-planet 


(N.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2023, from https://www.stockvault.net/photo/146794/mixed-fruits-and-vegetables.