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Are Electric Cars Worth It?
Climate and Environment

Are Electric Cars Worth It?

With all the new eco-friendly innovations these days, electric cars are certainly a popular topic.
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Critiques and Critters
Nature & The Outdoors

Critiques and Critters

People generally view insects as pests and nuisances to gardens and residential areas. An example would be mosquitos, locusts, lice,...
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The Importance of Pollinators in our Ecosystem 
Climate and Environment Nature & The Outdoors

The Importance of Pollinators in our Ecosystem 

Pollinators are bees, flies, wasps, beetles and even some birds!
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How Will Our Climate Look in Canada with Global Warming?
Climate and Environment

How Will Our Climate Look in Canada with Global Warming?

According to a study, Canada is warming up twice as fast as the whole world, while the Canadian arctic is warming...
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What We Are Consuming-an Insight to Microplastics in Our Foods
Food and Beyond

What We Are Consuming-an Insight to Microplastics in Our Foods

Written By: Niyati Patel Edited By: Morgan Pankarican Designed By: Jiya Mehta Published By: Miriam Alonge Wato The term microplastics...
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