Common indoor plant problems and how to fix them

Learning to take care of plants is a process. Sometimes, no matter how much we care for them, indoor plants don’t look at their best. Here are some common indoor plant problems and what you can do to address them.

My plant's leaves are turning brown!

Brown leaves are often a sign of a lack of water, This could be because your growing space is not very humid, and your plant is drying out too fast, or because you are not watering it often enough. Try to check your plant’s water level a bit more often, and maybe add a bit more water when you water it.

My plant's leaves are turning yellow!

Sometimes one or two leaves turning yellow isn’t a problem. Just pinch them off and your plant will be fine.

BUT… Sometimes yellow leaves are a sign of overwatering. Make sure your plant’s pot has some kind of drainage (either holes in the bottom or stones/pebbles in the bottom) to keep excess water away from the roots.

OR… If you cut back on the water and your plant is still turning yellow, sometimes yellow leaves are a sign your plant is not getting enough light. Try moving it closer to a brighter spot if you can.

My plant has spots on its leaves?

Spots on leaves mean your plant might be sick. These spots usually indicate some kind of bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. Remove the leaves with spots and dispose of them so they don’t affect other plants, and try to make sure your plant is in a space with good air circulation so that it can dry out. Try to make sure you are watering it at the base of the plant to reduce the risks of infections.

My plant's leaves are turning pale and/or yellow!

Your plant may be getting a sunburn! Pale and yellow leaves often mean your plant is getting too much, or too direct light. Just like people, plants can get harmed by too much direct sun. Try moving your plant to a slightly less bright spot.

One part of my plant is growing way longer than the other/ my plant is growing too tall, too fast/ my plant is reaching to one side!

This is your plant’s way of telling you it needs more light. Try moving it closer to a window or another light source, or into more direct light. You can also try rotating your plant every once in a while to make sure all sides get some sun.