Written by: Margarita Cherkashyna


Before the coronavirus, I had no special relationship with nature, and I did not care about the environment. However, during the isolation, so many terrible things happened to the environment that I could not stand aside. Climate change has had a definite impact on our planet, causing severe weather swings with storms, tornadoes, fires and melting ice. Moreover, this affected not only the flora but also the fauna of our planet. Also, it triggered the extinction of plants and made it difficult to grow food in extreme weather conditions. However, covid has also had a positive impact on nature by reducing air and surface pollution and my relationship towards agriculture. 


After being bored at home and with some research, I realized how horrible the situation is and decided to participate in the garden activity because even a small change can help save the world. My mom owns a small garden of plants with onion and mint, so I decided to help her with cleaning up and flower crossover. At first, agricultural activities were just something that I did because of boredom. However, as time went on, I began to develop more of an interest in this area. I started researching how to participate more and found WR School Food Gardens –  volunteer work that has been  the most lovable by me so far. Not only has it helped me to get involved in writing articles and learn about agriculture but also allowed me to interview a person who works in agriculture and ask questions.


Secondly, I decided to take another step forward and help farmers’ markets. Usually, I do not visit them often and shop at the regular grocery store. However, I decided to eat healthier in a way to benefit small farmers that sell their food at the farmer’s market, which helped me save money, get fresh  food grown without pesticides and help the local agriculture community by purchasing.  


Thirdly, I started growing my plants from the seeds I bought and even encouraged my little sister to participate with a small plant that she can take care of. I feel that teaching kids about nature and showing them how to take care of it will cause a positive impact on their future and will make them love and appreciate nature more. Also, after growing something on my own, I had a special connection with nature that made me realize how wonderful it is that humans can grow such wonderful things with their own hands. This experience helped me learn to practise how to take care of basic plants such as basil, grass, and strawberries. Thus, I recommend trying to grow something on your own because you start to value simple things more when you know how much work it takes to grow them. 


In conclusion, my view on nature changed a lot, and I’m grateful that this change happened because we have only one planet that only we can take care of and save.  COVID-19 made me realize how important it is to participate in agriculture and help my community. If you feel like small changes won’t do anything, you’re wrong. Go and participate in exploring nature and help build a better community by purchasing from local farmers, growing your plants and educating others for our planet and future generations.