How Will Our Climate Look in Canada with Global Warming?

Written By: Nahiba
Edited By: Kiritika Rana
Designed By: Nahiba
Published By: Linda Qi

Global warming is now a part of our everyday lives. Despite many measures being taken to help prevent it, it is still a fact that we should start getting accustomed to side effects of global warming for the time being. This article will briefly touch on how global warming has affected our climate, and how you can stay safe and comfortable in the new temperatures. First of all, why does global warming affect our climate at all? In order to understand that, we must know what global warming is. Global warming is the heating of the Earth because of emissions (largely caused by human activities). This causes glaciers/ice sheets to melt, plants to die, trees to die, and other geological negative changes to our environment. 

Photo Taken by Roxanne Desgagnés, Provided on Unsplash


So, how does this specifically affect Canada? Many may have already noticed how late our Winter came this year, and how we’re having a strange start to Spring, as many areas in Canada still have snow occurring regularly. This is one of the first signs of global warming affecting our country, as these unexpected weather changes are all due to its effects. 


According to a study, Canada is warming up twice as fast as the whole world, while the Canadian arctic is warming up about three times! These are crazy statistics, considering that the world itself is heating up a tremendous amount, and Canada is heating up even more. 

Photo Taken by Alexander Grey, Provided on Unsplash

Due to a large part of Northern Canada being filled with snow, there will definitely be a difference there. All the ice melting could result in infrastructure risks and could potentially force citizens to move more South in need of protection. Along with that, many species up North would not be able to survive without their naturally cold habitat. 


But the mass majority of people living in Canada live in the south, so how does this affect them? Well, even in the south there are high chances of higher temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, extreme weather events and rising sea levels to occur frequently in the future. This means that people would have to be more careful when they go outside, and people living near lakes might have to find other places, considering that sea levels could possibly endanger their homes.

Photo Taken by Torsten Dederichs, Provided on Unsplash

In order to survive in these newer
 circumstances, it’s important for Canadians to acknowledge what is going to happen, and be more careful and prepared, especially when there are chances of storms or other occurrences to happen. It’s simple, all they have to do is stay inside when there are severe weather warnings. Alongside that, due to the warmer weather, it is advised that Canadians in Summer properly hydrate themselves, wear sunscreen and make sure not to go in the sun when there are severe heat warnings, as it is physically draining for our bodies. 


There definitely will be changes to our climate, it isn’t something that we can deny, but if we all work together to stay safe, there is still much hope left for our future!

Photo Taken by Elena Mozhvilo, Provided on Unsplash


Works Cited


Canada, Natural Resources. “Climate Change Adaptation in Canada.” Natural Resources Canada, / Gouvernement Du Canada, 24 Nov. 2022,,in%20the%20North%20at%20risk.

Canada, Natural Resources. “Climate Change Adaptation in Canada.” Natural Resources Canada, / Gouvernement Du Canada, 24 Nov. 2022,’s%20climate%20is%20already%20changing,intensify%20over%20the%20coming%20decades.

Dederichs, Torsten. “Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash.” Beautiful Free Images & Pictures, 25 Apr. 2018,

Desgagnés, Roxanne. “Photo by Roxanne Desgagnés on Unsplash.” Beautiful Free Images & Pictures, 28 Apr. 2016,

“The Effects of Climate Change.” NASA, NASA, 2 Mar. 2023,’s%20climate%20driven,plants%20and%20trees%20are%20blooming.

Grey, Alexander. “Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash.” Beautiful Free Images & Pictures, 8 May 2018,

Mozhvilo, Elena. “Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash.” Beautiful Free Images & Pictures, 23 Mar. 2020,