Looking for seeds?
This is a list of vegetable and fruit seeds that were sold in recent years by Canadian seed companies.
Click on a section in the list below to see the varieties available, and the companies that sold them. Visit these companies, buy their seeds, and enjoy a beautiful, diverse garden this summer!
Seed Companies in Canada
Semence HeritageWeb: semenceheritage.com
Email: semence.heritage@outlook.com
We are a family business specializing in seeds, vegetables and food processing. We have a wide variety of heritage seeds and new varieties adapted to Canadian crops.Like many other seed companies, we want to be guardians of the past and encourage the future with our seed catalogue, which we continue to expand every year.
4 Acre Farm
Web: www.4acrefarm.ca
Email: info@4acrefarm.ca
We are a family-run, artisan seed and herbal product business located in Southern Saskatchewan. We grow or gather, hand clean and sort all of our seeds and herbs in small batches to ensure the highest quality and viability. Our farm is rooted in organic and permaculture principles. Our focus is on providing regionally adapted, open-pollinated, non-GMO, non-treated vegetable, native flower and medicinal seeds that thrive on the prairies. Follow us on Instagram @4acrefarmca
A'Bunadh Seeds
Phone: 780-785-2622
Web: www.abunadhseeds.ca
Email: smileyo@xplornet.ca
Established: 2006
A vast array of open-pollinated and
heritage seeds.
Across the Creek Organics
Web: www.acrossthecreekorganics.ca
Email: acrossthecreek@gmail.com
We are Organic Certified by PACS and also Certified as Seed Potato growers by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
The Pemberton Valleys high mountains and isolation protect our seed from virus and disease from other areas.
Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co
Phone: 519-389-1940
Web: agrestalseeds.com
Email: happyplanting@agrestalseeds.com
Unique heirloom varieties and quality organic seeds. Our open-pollinated, non-GMO heritage seed, produces the same great-tasting and reliable product year after year, century after century.
AgroHaitai Ltd.
Phone: 519-647-2280
Web: www.agrohaitai.com
Email: seed@agrohaitai.com
Established: 2002
A unique source of oriental vegetable seeds.
Aimer's Organics
Web: www.oscseeds.com/Home
Aimer's is a line of seeds sold by OSC Seeds. They have several certified organic vegetable varieties.
Akène, culture forestière
Phone: 514-794-0560
Web: www.akene.ca/
Email: info@akene.ca
Artisanal seed company offering a selection of wild and indigenous, edible, and medicinal plants seeds. Picked and cleaned by hand in small batches, all the seeds come from plants grown naturally in a forest environment or from ethical and sustainable harvesting of wild seeds.
Annapolis Seeds
Web: www.annapolisseeds.com
Email: owen@annapolisseeds.com
Established: 2008
We supply hand grown, open-pollinated, non-genetically modified seeds. All of our varieties will come true when saved for seed, which we encourage you to do. We have an emphasis on maintaining heritage varieties but we also sell some great varieties that are more recent introductions. We grow all the seeds ourselves on our small farm at the base of South Mountain in Nictaux, Nova Scotia.
Apple Luscious Organic Orchard
Web: appleluscious.com
Over 200 apple varieties, specializing in heritage, connoisseur and red-fleshed varieties.
Atlantic Pepper Seeds
Phone: 506-366-3767
Web: www.pepperseeds.ca
Email: admin@pepperseeds.ca
Established: 2001
Atlantic Pepper Seeds has been growing Chilli Peppers since 2001. We have developed several exciting new varieties over the years that are well suited for cooler climates, We also have a number of new superhot varieties we have developed as well. We have strived to bring rare and exotic varieties together from around the world to one place. We grow out of our own love of peppers and the excitement of tasting new varieties.
All of our pepper plants are grown organically without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers allowing us to offer the best quality seeds possible. We isolate all of our plants in seed production in order to guarantee the best genetics. We grow all the varieties that we sell. So we always have fresh seeds that have high germination rates.
We are family owned and operated out of New Brunswick, Canada. It can be hard to grow some varieties from one year to the next but we do our best to provide a wide selection for our customers. We are very proud to say we have grown well over 2,000 varieties and we grow 800 to 1,000 varieties each year. We are very happy to serve our customers and provide the best seeds we can and the best selection we can. Thanks to all our customers for your support over the years, and to all good growing !
August's Harvest
Phone: 877-272-1742
Web: www.augustsharvest.com
Email: warren@augustsharvest.com
Established: 1990
Supplying growers and gourmands with heirloom organic garlic and shallot varieties.
Bass Lake Farms
Phone: 705-309-9669
Web: www.basslakefarms.ca/seeds
Email: basslakemarketgarden@gmail.com
Bass Lake Farms sells a growing list of locally grown rare, heirloom, native, perennial, and edible seeds and plants for sale for your garden!
You can also join our Seed Club (https://basslakefarms.ca/seed-club) for exclusive deals and seedy opportunities and subscribe to our newsletter for future updates! Seed Club is a new initiative to connect local seed fans, growers, and savers to promote literaseed (seed literacy), encourage community gardening, restock our seed libraries and ensure local seed security! Membership is free and for everyone - especially kids! We have designed fun and educational activities for all ages and abilities and have free seeds to get you started sprouting, selecting and collecting seeds!
BC Eco Seed Co-op
Web: www.bcecoseedcoop.com
Email: info@bcecoseedcoop.com
Established: 2014
We are a producers' co-operative growing and providing 100% BC-grown vegetable, herb, flower, and grain seed that is ecologically grown and certified organic, open-pollinated, regionally selected, and GE-free. All our seeds are grown by our members on farms across the province.
Our mission is to increase the quantity and improve the quality of ecological and organic seed grown in BC. From packets to bulk quantities, the co-op has seeds for all growers.
BC's Wild Heritage Plants
Phone: 604-858-5141
Web: www.bcwildheritage.com
Email: bcwildplants@gmail.com
Shrubs, ferns, and herbs. Ships across Canada.
Bear Root Gardens
Web: www.bearrootgardens.com
Email: bearrootgardens@gmail.com
Bear Root Gardens believes that seeds are one of the most important elements in creating a sustainable food system. They pride themselves on offering their neighbours and friends a range of locally adapted seeds that thrive in Northern conditions. Locally adapted seeds are important for producing and sustaining strong yields year after year, and are often more resistant to pests and diseases. All seeds sold are grown and hand packaged by them on their property in the heart of Verona, ON.
Beautiful Blooms
Phone: 403-309-2020
Web: www.beautifulblooms.ab.ca
Email: info@beautifulblooms.ab.ca
A large variety of seed is offered, and the list grows year by year. Seed for annuals, biennials, perennials, bulbs and grasses is available.
Seed is hand picked at its prime, mostly from plants that I cultivate myself, every seed is cleaned, inspected, and tested so that you will only receive the best seed I have to offer. Being a smaller seeds company, I am dedicated to providing quality, fresh seed at a reasonable price. Seed is replaced each year so that only the freshest seed is offered. Seed is not out sourced at all so that quality control is, well, controlled.
Wild collected seed is collected as soon as it is ripe. Sometimes this means going back to the same area a few times. Some of these areas are close by, and some are day trips. My original dryas collecting spot is 171 km from my door, since then I've found it closer, much closer, but not like that particular spot where there is an acre of it! To see that carpet of dryas seed is really cool.
Although the seed is not certified organic, I practice organic methods. I refuse to use pesticides or chemicals of any sort in the gardens, EVER.
Berton Seeds
Web: www.bertonseeds.ca
Email: info@bertonseeds.ca
Established: 1977
90% of the seed originates in Italy.
Broadview Farm - Roy Beck
Phone: 780-231-9816
Web: www.broadviewfarm.weebly.com/
Email: broadviewfarm@xplornet.ca
Established: 2001
Sells by contacting him by email.
Brother Nature Heirloom Seeds
Phone: 250-661-2255
Web: www.brothernature.ca
Email: brothernature@shaw.ca
Established: 2003
We feel it is our duty to provide, preserve, protect and teach about sustainable seed, soil & food sources while providing growers a complete garden grown from an inexpensive, reliable, environmentally friendly seed source. All seed OP.
Catalogue on line only.
Web: www.bumbleseeds.com
Email: info@bumbleseeds.com
Established: 2020
Bumbleseeds has blossomed into our vision to create awareness about helping pollinators, but also the necessity to 'know what you grow' - by sowing, growing and harvesting seeds so our families eat better. We are so proud to provide all gardeners with cost saving, locally and Canadian sourced, organic, heirloom and non-gmo seeds.
We ship Canada wide.
Canadian Prairie Garlic eScape
Phone: 306-736-8373
Web: www.saskgarlic.ca
Email: saskgarliccontact@gmail.com
Established: 2010
Garlic grown in southeast Saskatchewan in zone 2b/3a near the town of Kipling. Practicing regenerative agriculture with cattle, out family farm also provides pastured pork, poultry, and unpasteurized honey. Our zero-till garlic is chemical-free, hand-weeded and harvested 80+ varieties and many other garlic products. Shipping across Canada.
Carrick Seeds
Phone: 519-367-2665
Web: www.carrickseeds.ca
Email: carrickseeds@gmail.com
Established: 2021
All the seeds we sell are grown on our family’s 100-acre farm. The actual seed- producing gardens, which are scattered around the farm for isolation purposes, comprise less than half an acre. The rest of the farm consists of pastures, fields, woods, and wetlands. We are not certified organic; however, we do not use herbicides or pesticides, and are continually working to end our dependence on fossil fuels, plastics, and electricity.
Our farm is situated in southern Bruce County, Ontario, which is climate zone 4 or 5. I expect our last spring frost around May 17, and our first fall frost around September 26.
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes
Web: www.caseysheirloomtomatoes.ca
Email: info@caseysheirloomtomatoes.ca
Established: 2003
Selling organic open-pollinated and heirloom tomato seeds from my backyard garden. Catalogue is available as downloadable PDF from my website. No print catalogue.
Choked Up
Web: www.chokedup.ca
Email: contact@chokedup.ca
We're a tiny Canadian online mom and pop store (literally) based in Salmon Arm, B.C, specializing in Jerusalem Artichokes. Our team is made up of Paul, Dawn and Claire Lefebvre. We're not a faceless seed company, which allows us to focus on high quality Jerusalem Artichokes and exceptional customer service. If you're not happy with anything, well make it right. Guaranteed. Feel free to contact us - we'd love to hear from you!
Cicada Seeds
Web: www.cicadaseeds.ca
Email: cicadaseeds@gmail.com
Cicada Seeds produces unique vegetable, flower and medicinal and culinary herb seeds for the home garden, food forest or permaculture project. Seeds are grown ecologically without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers in Errington, Vancouver Island. Special focus on perennial vegetables and rare varieties.
Circle Farms Heirloom Seeds
Web: www.circlefarms.ca
We started Circle Farms because we wanted to become more self sufficient, by growing nutrient dense, chemical free food in a way that was regenerative and sustainable. By using heirloom organic seeds, we are able to cultivate high quality seeds that will produce year after year.
Circle Farms is an urban farm in Calgary, Alberta Canada. We have dreams of moving to the country to spread our wings, but for now, we are "homesteading" in our backyard.
Cochrane Family Seeds
Phone: 902-671-2378
Web: www.cochranefamilyfarm.com
Email: cochranefamilyfarm@bellaliant.com
Established: 2015
Certified organic, heirloom Vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. All our seeds are grown on our farm.
CoCreative Seeds
Web: https://www.cocreativeseeds.com/
Email: seeds.cocreative@gmail.com
The seeds we grow here are hardy to zone 2a but will grow in anything up to Zone 5. All of our seeds have either been grown by us or trialed here to be the best fit for this growing zone. To our best knowledge, our seeds are grown without chemicals (non certified organic), GMO's and have not been treated. We are pleased to present many new varieties of heirloom, open pollinated and flavourful tomatoes hardy to zone 2.
Seed packets are biodegradable or recyclable
We buy 100% green energy for our business
We employ local youth to help with labelling and packing seeds.
We support the WWOOF & Helpx programs and share our knowledge with workers from all over the world.
We use no chemicals in the production of our seeds, only animal manures and refuse for compost. Fertilizers are plant based only, no pesticides or herbicides.
We are horticulturists and Permaculture designers with over 50 years of cumulative knowledge and growing experience.
Welcome to CoCreative Seeds.
Common Sense Seeds
Web: www.commonsenseseeds.ca/
Email: info@commonsenseseeds.ca
Established: 2024
Common Sense Seeds is a family-run seed company built on a
passion for growing tomatoes. We grow and save seed from all of the tomato varieties we offer. Our focus is growing tomatoes that thrive in a short growing season (Zone 4) and varieties that are not widely available in North America. We also love other veggies! We grow and save seed from all of the Physalis varieties we offer (Cape Gooseberry, Ground Cherry & Tomatillos) and a few pepper and herb varieties. We also offer a wide variety of leafy greens and herbs.
Corn Hill Nursery Ltd.
Phone: 506-756-3635
Web: www.cornhillnursery.com
Email: osborne@cornhillnursery.com
A complete range of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Provider of hardy, acclimatized stock for the colder areas of Canada. Ships across Canada.
Courtis Family Farms
Web: www.facebook.com/courtisfamilyfarms
Email: lizw482@gmail.com
Established: 2014
Courtis Family Farms is a small scale bio-intensive urban farm started in 2014, originally located in London, ON, now operating and growing on multiple properties in Sarnia, ON. We produce seeds locally using best organic practices. The seeds we grow are available for purchase through our Facebook and Instagram pages. We sell all of our seeds in packaging made from recycled material where possible. Our goal is to provide; affordable, locally sourced, sustainable and naturally produced open pollinated/ heirloom seeds.We acclimate our crops to the Canadian climate while varieties we continue to offer are selected for their resilience and deliciousness. Grow your future before somebody else does!
Local pickup and delivery are available, as is shipping across Canada and USA. All packs are $3 unless stated otherwise.
Cowichan Farm Hub Seeds
Web: https://cowichangreencommunity.org/the-farm-hub/
Email: gec@cowichangreencommunity.org
De Dell Seeds
Phone: 519-203-2676
Web: www.dedellseeds.com
One of the few GMO free corn seed companies in Canada.
Eagle Creek Seed Potatoes
Phone: 1-877-224-3939
Web: www.seedpotatoes.ca
Email: seeds@seedpotatoes.ca
Established: 1988
Eagle Ridge Seeds
Phone: 250-537-5677
Web: www.eagleridgeseeds.com
Email: seedkeeper@telus.net
Established: 2011
Eagleridge Seeds has evolved into a Living Seed Bank specialists in Endangered Vegetables Herbs, Flowers, Tomatoes and Peppers.We practice sustainable planting methods and produce all of our seed. No chemicals have ever been used here since 1993. It is our mandate to protect family heirloom seeds and to place these living treasures in as many hands as possible to preserve them for future generations . Our website has a huge Resources section to support your gardening efforts. Our website is updated regularly so check back often. We also offer a quarterly newsletter. Contact us directly for bulk prices.
No printed catalogue available, order on line only.
Early's Farm & Garden Centre Inc.
Phone: 800-667-1159
Web: www.earlysgarden.com/
Email: sales@earlysgarden.com
Established: 1907
Early's has been in business since 1907 offering a large variety of seeds and garden accessories. Local phone 306-931-1982. Catalog $2 to U.S, free in Canada.
Web: www.ecoseedbank.com
Email: info@ecoseedbank.com
Our Mission: Creating a greener world, one seed at a time. 🌱
We believe that local food security, sustainability and ethically sourced seeds are essential. With a strong belief in the need for better agroecological biodiversity, we never stock hybrid or GMO seeds. As a small seed-saving organisation, we are proud to offer many of the classic crops many growers already like as well as some rare and almost extinct varieties for a new generation of conscientious gardeners.
Ellenberger Organic Farm
Phone: 613-337-8824
Web: www.ellenbergerorganicfarm.com
Email: ellenbergerorganicfarm@gmail.com
Organic certified seed potatoes. Ellenberger Organic Farm is the home of Henry Ellenberger near the quaint Ontario town of Coe Hill on The Ridge Road. The only provider of certified organic seed potatoes in all of Ontario and also offer beef, pork, strawberries, corn and other seasonal produce.
Emails answered once a week. Call or email for list of current seed potatoes available.
Eternal Seed
Phone: 604-487-1304
Web: www.eternalseed.ca
Email: gmofreeseed@gmail.com
Established: 1997
Ellen de Casemaker offers seeds of heirloom herbs, flowers and vegetables of more than fifty years ago. Many organic offerings. Catalogue free.
Both official languages served.
Eureka Garlic
Phone: 902-836-5180
Web: www.facebook.com/Eureka-Garlic-121648878449492/
Email: al@eurekagarlic.ca
Established: 2004
Ferme écomaraîchère La croisée des cultures
Web: www.croiseedescultures.com
Email: ecomaraicherelacroisee@gmail.com
A seed and vegetable farm, sprouted up from a Seed of Diversity member. Seeds were produced in the north of Lanaudière from 2004 to 2017 and now moved to the heart of Bellechasse county, we’re still growing varieties for short seasons, some local heirloom varieties as well as adapted ones from afar. Also very fond of breeding and selection, always to create open-pollinated, ecological seed at our farm. Our projects include a passive solar greenhouse and a biodiversity orchard.
A participant to the Open-Source Seed Initiative.
Florabunda Seeds
Phone: 705-295-6440
Web: www.florabundaseeds.com
Email: contact@florabundaseeds.com
Established: 1994
Dirk Berghout a 3rd generation seedsman acquired Florabunda Seeds in 1998. Specializing in Non GMO, Non Hybrid, Untreated, Interesting and Unusual Heirloom Flower, Vegetable and Herb seeds. Order by phone, mail or online 24/7 365 days a year. Offering a Fundraising Program for your fundraising needs.
Franken Farms
Phone: 226-339-0122
Web: www.frankenfarm.ca
Email: frankenfarmseedco@gmail.com
Established: 2021
A focus on heirloom, endangered and rare vegetables.
Fraser's Thimble Farms
Phone: 250-537-5788
Web: www.thimblefarms.com
Email: thimfarm@telus.net
Established: 1977
Pacific Northwest natives ferns hardy orchids erythroniums, corydalis and other rare plants. Main catalog $3 or on-line. Fall bulb list $2
Full Circle Seeds
Phone: 778-587-9144
Web: www.Fullcircleseeds.com
Email: info@fullcircleseeds.com
Established: 1993
We are a seed company that grows over 200 varieties of certified organic seeds with a particularly good collection of heritage tomatoes, peppers, salad greens, beans, peas, grains, herbs and flowers.
Gaia Organic Seeds
Web: www.gaiaorganics.ca
Established: 2020
After speaking with many organic farmers we concluded that there is a need for a national seed company that serves Canada and is at par in terms of quality and delivery of seeds with its counterparts in the US.
We are based out of Ottawa, Ontario serving organics seeds to Ontario residents only. We use land at Greta’s Organic Garden at the moment and continue to do our seed production there. With the limited amounts of land available and respecting isolation distance to have genetically pure varieties that you love, we continously strive towards producing most of our seeds in Ottawa. With your support and our continued financial investment in our infrastructure would guarantee us a future where we can actually produce all our seeds and be a self-sustaining local economy. Lets work together to build that future.
Garden Alchemy Seeds
Web: gardenalchemyseeds.ca
Email: info@gardenalchemyseeds.ca
Garden Faerie Botanicals
Phone: 250-515-0246
Web: www.gardenfaeriebotanicals.ca
Email: info@gardenfaeriebotanicals.ca
Established: 2023
Specializing in rare and endangered heirloom seeds, Garden Faerie Botanicals features Canada’s largest collection of Jerusalem Artichokes. Due to the Grand Solar Minimum, there is an emphasis on short-season varieties to ensure food security. This company is a continuation of a previous venture called Goddess Grown Heirlooms.
Garden Girl Seeds
Web: www.gardengirlseeds.ca/
Email: info@gardengirlseeds.ca
Established: 2021
Garden Girl Seeds carries all Untreated seeds - sourcing some seed varieties from local seed growers. We carry Vegetable, Flower and Herb Seeds with qualities like good vigor, productivity and early maturity. We're also passionate gardeners that grow and test many of the seeds we carry! Check out Garden Girl Seeds today!
Golden Acres Farm
Phone: 519-656-3152
Web: goldenacresgarlic.blogspot.com/p/about-golden-acres-farm.html
Email: goldenacresfarm@hotmail.com
Established: 1989
We sell 98 strains of certified organic seed garlic. Most of them are rare and endangered here in Canada. We are willing to mail garlic and we can be found at the Stratford Garlic Festival. We also welcome visits to our farm to purchase seed garlic.
Golden Bough Tree Farm
Web: www.goldenboughtrees.ca
Email: goldenbough@lks.net
Known for bare root trees and shrubs, fruits, evergreen, nut, native and shade trees. Ships across Canada.
Good Earth Farms Seeds
Phone: 250-337-2261
Web: goodearthfarms.ca
Email: goodearthfarms@shaw.ca
Established: 1999
Certified Organic by P.A.C.S
Producers of open pollinated, heirloom and rare varieties of vegetable, flower and herb seeds on Vancouver Island. Our seeds are available in our online store, in both individual packages and bulk amounts.
Specializing in peas, beans, tomatoes, squash, root crops, greens, pollinator plants, amaranth and more.
Cultivating hope for all with a commitment to seed sovereignty and food security.
Germination tested and shipping across Canada.
Great Garlic
Phone: 604-316-1933
Web: www.greatgarlic.ca
Email: info@greatgarlic.ca
Welcome to Great Garlic. Our farm was established in 2016. We are a family run farm, practicing a traditional no-till farm. All our garlic and bulbils are certified organic, first generation raised from
bulbils in order to provide the healthiest, strongest seed garlic possible to our customers.
Green Barn Nursery
Phone: 514-453-9757
Web: www.greenbarnnursery.ca
Email: info@greenbarnnursery.ca
An OCIA certified organic source for hardy seedlings of standard and unusual fruit and nut trees. The catalog also acts as a planning and planting guide. See also www.windmillpointfarm.ca
Greta's Organic Gardens
Phone: 613-521-8648
Web: www.seeds-organic.com
Email: seeds@gretasfamilygardens.com
Established: 1991
Greta's catalog is full of open-pollinated seeds, grown for short season in Eastern Ontario. Canada zone 5a. Free catalogue available in French or English.
Halifax Seed Company Inc.
Phone: 902-454-7456
Web: www.halifaxseed.ca
Email: info@halifaxseed.ca
Established: 1867
Canada's oldest seed company does everything offering a wide variety of vegetable, flower and herb seeds, gardening supplies, roses, perennials and bulbs. Catalog free and online.
Hardy Fruit Trees Nursery
Phone: 450-834-3060
Web: www.hardyfruittrees.ca
Email: ericdelo@hotmail.com
Hardy heritage and new varieties of apple trees, pears, plums, grapes, cherries, small fruits, nuts, forest natives, and ornamentals. Ships across Canada.
Hawthorn Farm Organic Seeds
Phone: 519-343-3375
Web: www.hawthornfarm.ca
Email: sales@hawthornfarm.ca
Established: 1996
We live and work at Hawthorn Farm near Palmerston in central Ontario (zone 5) and we've been certified organic since 1996. We grow, select and save most of the seed we sell. Those varieties that will not produce high quality seed in our region are brought in from other organic farmers and growers we know and trust. All our seed is open-pollinated and belongs to the public domain.
Heirloom Seeds Canada
Phone: 514-548-3490
Web: heirloom-seeds.ca
Established: 2012
Based in Montreal and in partnership with the market gardener Birri of the Jean-Talon market, who has been selling seeds to farmers and individuals for almost 50 years.
Helmer's Organic Farm
Web: www.helmersorganic.com
Email: annahelmer@hotmail.com
Established: 1980
CFIA Certified virus-free seed potatoes, organic and biodynamic.
Heritage Harvest Seed
Phone: 204-372-6477
Web: www.heritageharvestseed.com
Email: seed@heritageharvestseed.com
Established: 2004
One of the best selections of rare & endangered heirloom seed in North
America! Over 700 hard to find heirloom vegetables, flowers, herbs, and ancient grains.
No Gmo's, no hybrids, no treated seed-just good old fashioned natural
seed. Check out our website with online shopping.
Heritage Seed and Produce
Phone: 613-273-2948
Web: www.heritageseedandproduce.com
Email: heritage@kingston.net
Established: 2008
Offering a wide variety of heritage vegetable seeds, many of which are rare and free from chemical fertilizers or pesticides. All seeds have been acclimatized to our growing region (zone 5a). All OP.
Seeds can be purchased on-line or by phone.
Catalogue available to view and download on-line.
Hope Seeds
Web: www.hopeseed.com
Email: hopeseed@eastlink.ca
Established: 1993
Hope Seeds offers a wide range of untreated, open-pollinated vegetable, herb and flower seeds that bigger companies have overlooked, maintaining many rare and heritage selections. The stories are rich, and add so much to the adventure of growing gardens and food. Keeping these seeds and stories alive is a great honour, and we take our stewardship very seriously. Diversity in our seed, our fields and our food is the best way to build a resilient and strong agricultural system.
Hortinova Seeds
Phone: 514-443-4030
Web: shop.hortinova.ca/
Email: contact@hortinova.ca
Established: 2021
Hortinova is a supplier of high-quality vegetable seeds for professional farmers as well as amateur gardeners. Founded in 2021 in Montreal, the company's mission is to contribute to the development of the thriving horticultural industry in Canada by providing farmers and gardeners with innovative seed varieties. All of our seeds are naturally produced, are NON-GMO and chemical free.
Howard Dill Enterprises
Phone: 902-798-2728
Web: www.howarddill.com
Email: howarddill@yahoo.ca
Established: 1979
Dill's Atlantic Giant might be world-renowned as the seed that, year in and year out, produces the largest pumpkin, but you'll find more.
Incredible Seed Company
Phone: 888-851-6620
Web: www.incredibleseeds.ca
Email: contact@incredibleseeds.ca
Established: 2010
High quality, great tasting varieties of open pollinated vegetable seeds. With an ever growing list of heirloom varieties. All seeds are untreated.
Jardin des Vie-la-joie
Phone: 438-888-3032
Web: www.vielajoie.com
Email: info@vielajoie.com
Established: 2017
Semences artisanales cultivées en harmonie avec la nature, sans pesticides et en pollinisation libre.
Jardins de la Gaillarde
Phone: 819-943-8420
Web: www.jardinsdelagaillarde.ca/fr/accueil
Email: jardinsdelagaillarde@gmail.com
Established: 2017
La ferme Jardins de la gaillarde a été fondée par trois passionnées d’agriculture urbaine. Fières de nos compétences en agriculture, génie et design, nous souhaitons voir fleurir des potagers uniques remplis de couleurs et de saveurs. Nous sélectionnons avec beaucoup d’amour les variétés de légumes offertes et produisons nos semences sur notre ferme urbaine de 3 acres située à Sherbrooke. Notre vision, Semer pour Nourrir : se nourrir, nourrir la terre, les pollinisateurs et la nature. Il y a tant de variétés de légumes et fleurs comestibles à découvrir, semons ensembles pour égayer nos tables de produits de chez nous!
Jardins de la gaillarde
Phone: 819-943-8420
Web: jardinsdelagaillarde.ca
Email: jardinsdelagaillarde@gmail.com
Nous sommes une compagnie de semences familiale et artisanale spécialisée dans la production de semences pour les jardiniers amateurs. Les semences sont produites à la ferme ou par d'autres petits producteurs de semences. Nous prônons un agriculture responsable qui respecte la nature et adoptons des pratiques durables de conservations du sol, de la flore et de la faune. Notre ferme est un oasis de biodiversité. Nous n'utilisons pas de pesticides ou d'engrais chimiques.
John Boy Farms
Phone: 204-882-2751
Web: www.garlicseed.ca
Email: johnboyfarms@gmail.com
Established: 2006
John Boy Farms is a family farm located in the fertile Red River Valley of southern Manitoba, Canada. The farm grows premium garlic seed and food garlic that they sell through their online garlic store and ship across Canada. They also sell garlic seasonally at the St. Norbert Farmers Market in Winnipeg and directly from the farm during the fall.
Over the past few years they have had increased demand for their Canadian grown garlic and have been adding new varieties every season. More and more Canadians are discovering how amazing locally grown garlic is!
Junco Seeds
Phone: 819-456-2000
Web: www.juncoseeds.ca
Junco seeds is committed to growing, harvesting and saving heritage & heirloom seeds that are culturally and ecologically important, adapted to the local climate and resilient to changing weather patterns. Specifically, we are committed to ecological and sustainable farming practices that close loops, sourcing organically and locally, recycling materials and using only living mulches (no plastics). We adhere to small scale, low-till philosophies of land work that seeks to nourish the living soils, all with a long term goal of growing and saving healthy, tasteful, biodiverse drought-tolerant plants
K3 Seeds
Phone: 403-738-4517
Web: www.k3seeds.com/
Email: k3seeds.operations@gmail.com
K3 Seeds is a family owned, full service, pedigreed seed retailer that offers a wide selection of Wheat, Barley, Corn, Rye, Canola, and other crop seeds.
Kitchen Table Seed House
Web: www.kitchentableseedhouse.ca
Email: info@kitchentableseedhouse.ca
Established: 2016
Supplying gardeners across Canada with tasty heirlooms and new open-pollinated varieties.
All varieties grown or trialed on farm. All certified organic. Buy Now online!
La ferme coopérative Tourne-Sol
Phone: 450-452-4271
Web: www.fermetournesol.qc.ca
Email: semences@fermetournesol.qc.ca
Established: 2005
Seeds for salad greens, heirloom tomatoes, flowers and more. All certified org. and OP. Catalogue on line.
La Finquita
Web: www.lafinquita.ca/selection-organic-seeds
Email: lafinquitans@gmail.com
La Finquita (the little farm) is located along the Wallace Bay on the North Shore of Nova Scotia, we specialize in seeds of wild edible plants, native pollinators, medicinal plants and cold hardy greens. Our seed can be purchased online, as well as at Seedy Saturday events.
La Societe des plantes
Phone: 418-492-2493
Web: www.lasocietedesplantes.com
Email: seeds@lasocietedesplantes.com
Established: 2001
Download from website for free-French only.
Laughing Swan Farm
Web: www.laughingswanfarm.com
Email: laughingswan@telus.net
Established: 2014
Situated on the beautiful South Thompson River east of Kamloops, we grow & supply a selection of naturally grown heirloom tomatoes, garlic, veggies & herbs that are ideal for the climactic conditions in the interior of B.C. In the last years we have gradually moved away from perennials to more edible plants, such as tomatoes and garlic. We still stock some landscaping plants but our clientele has changed over the years, and we reflect that in our years line up.
Le Jardin de Julie
Web: www.jardindejulie.com
Email: info@jardindejulie.com
Established: 2013
Since 2009, Le Jardin de Julie has been offering quality seeds of vegetables, herbs and flowers, selected and adapted for their hardiness in northern climate. You will find a variety of old and classic, rarities to discover and preserve, as well as a range of ancestral tomatoes, squash and beans from the heritage. Non-GMO seeds, open pollinated. Online store for mail order. Free delivery option for Quebec.
Le Noyau Semences bio
Web: www.lenoyau.com
Email: teprine@lenoyau.com
Le temps de préparation et test de germination est arrivé et nous avons pleins de semences. Chaque semaine nous allons rajouter d’autres, alors revenez souvent!
Merci de votre soutien continue et au plaisir de vous aidez avec votre jardin 2021! Visitez notre site et faite votre liste de voeux.
Le potager ornemental de Catherine
Web: www.potagerornemental.com/en/
Email: lepocpoc@gmail.com
Established: 2007
Les semences offertes sont issues de cultivars à pollinisation libre (non hybride) cultivés à St-Apollinaire, sans pesticide ni engrais de synthèse.
Les Jardins de l'Écoumène
Phone: 450-835-1149
Web: www.ecoumene.com
Email: info@ecoumene.com
Established: 2001
Les Jardins de l'écoumène, fondés en 2001 à Saint-Damien dans Lanaudière (Québec), sont engagés à produire et distribuer des semences potagères biologiques et à préserver des variétés patrimoniales, le tout dans le respect de principes de permaculture. Depuis leur création, ils ont étendu leur offre à une large gamme de semences, d’herbes aromatiques et de fleurs comestibles, disponibles à travers différents canaux de vente au Canada. En plus des semences, l'entreprise propose également une variété d'amendements de sol et d'engrais pour la culture biologique, visant à soutenir une agriculture et un jardinage écoresponsables.
Les Jardins du Grand-Portage
Phone: 450 835-5813
Web: www.semencesduportage.com
Email: info@jardinsdugrandportage.com
Les semences du batteux
Web: lessemencesdubatteux.ca
Email: lessemencesdubatteux@gmail.com
Established: 2012
Cette entreprise se spécialise en production de semences de légumes, fleurs et herbes de première qualité. Les jardins sont situés à Beaumont dans la région de Bellechasse et sont entretenus de manière écologique, sans pesticides, sans engrais de synthèse, avec un minimum d'utilisation d'énergies fossiles. Certaines variétés sont anciennes (du patrimoine), d'autres modernes (développées depuis l'ère industrielle), toutes les graines sont ouvertement pollinisées (O.P.).
Les Semences La Campagnarde
Web: www.lacampagnarde.ca
Cette microentreprise produit des semences non traitées. Aucun engrais chimique n’est utilisé, l’enrichissement du sol se fait par le biais de purin d’ortie et de consoude et fumier uniquement. Nous offrons plusieurs variétés de légumes, de fines-herbes, de plantes médicinales, d’arbres ainsi que de fleurs annuelles et de vivaces. De plus, des plantes sauvages séchées québécoises sont également disponibles.
Lindenberg Seeds Ltd.
Phone: 204-727-0575
Web: www.lindenbergseeds.ca
Email: customer-service@lindenbergseeds.ca
Established: 1937
Specializing in seeds for northern climates. Catalog free to Canadians.
Little Beau Seed Co
Web: littlebeau.ca
Little Beau Seed Co. headquarters is in North-East Alberta, on a quarter section of land between Boyle and Lac La Biche. In the heart of the Boreal Forest. Our seeds are all Non-GMO and we germination test our seeds regularly to ensure we are offering the best to you. You can see the germination test date with the results on each seed we offer. We are cost mindful. Our seed packaging is simple. It is not flashy nor high production. Our seeds are hand packaged by our family.
Manhattan Farms
Phone: 250-545-2811
Web: www.manhattanfarms.ca
Email: info@manhattanfarms.ca
Established: 1987
Manhattan Farms started in Vancouver with the idea that you can plant seeds and grow things wherever you are, be it city high-rise or country acreage. Herbs, organic vegetable seeds, wild flowers, and fascinating seed collections.
Martha's Garden Seeds
Phone: (306) 209-6181
Web: marthasgardenseeds.com
Email: marthasgarden@outlook.com
Established: 2019
Pesticide-free flower and vegetables seeds without the use of inorganic fertilizers. Committed to soil regeneration, reducing the use of plastics, and providing a safe home for native bees and other pollinators. Love specialty and heirloom plants and am always looking for varieties that grow well in northern climates.
Matches Seeds
Phone: 819-485-1005
Web: www.matchesseeds.ca
Email: michael@matchesseeds.ca
McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd
Phone: 800-665-6340
Web: www.mckenzieseeds.com
Email: customerservice@mckenzieseeds.com
Established: 1900
Owners of McFayden Seeds. Sells in stores only, no mail order.
Metchosin Farm Seeds
Web: www.metchosinfarm.ca
Email: info@metchosinfarm.ca
Moonglow Gardens
Web: www.growersblend.ca
Email: moonglowgardens@shaw.ca
We are an artisanal seed-production farm growing on Treaty 6 Territory on the Canadian Prairies in the Northern Glaciated Plains. All of our seeds are lovingly produced in zone 3 using regenerative growing methods focusing on fostering a healthy soil food web.
From planting trays of seeds in early spring all the way to harvesting and packaging up seeds in the fall, everything is grown here in our very own Moonglow Gardens in Sturgeon County, Alberta. We do not outsource any seeds from other growers or growing zones.
We are passionate about seed saving, pollinator preservation, regionally-adapted seeds, seed sovereignty, and preserving food biodiversity.
Mount Royal Seeds
Web: www.mountroyalseeds.com
Email: mountroyalseeds@gmail.com
A selection of quality tree and shrub seeds for the tree hobbyist, nurseryman and bonsai enthusiast as well as selective woodland plant and flowers seeds for the avid gardener.
Mumm's Sprouting Seeds
Phone: 306-747-2935
Web: www.sprouting.com
Email: mumms@sprouting.com
Established: 1983
We supply over 120 types of organic seeds for growing sprouts and microgreens.
Nana's Naturals
Web: www.heritageseedbank.ca/
Email: nanasnaturals@shaw.ca
Established: 2023
Nana's Naturals is a Manitoban family owned and operated business located in the Red River Valley. We specialize in rare heirloom varieties and unique tuber crops. As gardeners we strive to provide you with quality seeds that we use in our own garden and love!
Natural Seed Bank
Web: www.seed-bank.ca
Email: sales@seed-bank.ca
Canadian owned and operated, online retailer of garden seeds. All seeds are non-GMO and chemical free.
Natural Seeds
Web: naturalseedscanada.com
Email: naturalseeds.ca@gmail.com
Natural Seeds Canada aims to provide low-cost natural seeds for all Canadians.
In keeping with our mission to promote healthy farming practices, the company only sells natural products.
The $1 stamp makes it possible to mail your order anywhere in Canada free of charge.
No Coast Seeds
Web: www.nocoastseeds.ca/
Email: info@nocoastseeds.ca
Established: 2022
Open-pollinated vegetable seed for short season gardens. OSSI-pledged varieties, breeding populations & diverse genepool mixes, farm originals, new open pollinated cultivars.
Northern Seeds
Phone: 514.834.1686
Web: northernseeds.ca
Email: info@northernseeds.ca
Northern Seeds grows over 120 varieties of organic vegetable, herb and flower seed. We started from a desire to share great vegetable and flower varieties with our friends and family. And to do so by giving others the key to growing: seeds! There is something wonderfully magical about seeing a seed develop into a plant and then into delicious, abundant food. There are stories too, to the varieties and where they come from. We’re all about abundant gardens, sharing the bounty and perpetuating those stories.
Northern Wildflowers
Phone: 705-618-4797
Web: www.northernwildflowers.ca/
Email: hello@northernwildflowers.ca
We are a grower and supplier of native wildflower and short season garden seed. Our mission is to help our customers create a little slice of garden paradise. Our seed is pollinator friendly, non-GMO, untreated and chemical free. We utilize ecological farming principles and many of our varieties are certified organic. Whether you are looking for seed for your garden, bulk seed for a restoration project or custom seeds collected for your nursery, we can help.
Norton Naturals
Web: www.nortonnaturals.com
Email: nortonnaturals@hotmail.ca
Established: 2013
Norton Naturals sells an assortment of plants that can be used as perennial vegetables. Most are or have been extensively used in many cultures, but are now either uncommon in the plant trade or rarely used for food. We focus on the most nutritious plants available: tubers (or their equivalents: corms, bulbs, and rhizomes). For each plant we provide a complete description, planting and ordering instructions, and availability (most of these plants need to be planted at very specific times of the year, and often in the Fall: plan ahead!).
Arrowhead - Sagittaria latifolia
Groundnut - Apios americana
Hog peanut - Amphicarpa bracteata
Jerusalem artichoke, common
Jerusalem artichoke, white fuseau
Ramps/Wild leek - Allium tricoccum
Spring beauty - Claytonia virginica
Chinese artichoke/Crosne
Tiger lily - Lilium lancifolium
Norwegian Creek Farm
Phone: 250-449-2480
Web: www.norwegiancreekfarm.ca
Email: len@norwegiancreekfarm.ca
Established: 2014
Welcome to Norwegian Creek Farm. 2014 is our first year of growing garlic on farm land that has been in the family for over a hundred years. We are adjacent to Boundary Garlic, which is also on part of the family farm.Our 60 varieties are certified organic.
Nouveau Paysan
Web: nouveaupaysan.com/
Email: fermenouveaupaysan@gmail.com
Located in Saint-Cuthbert, we offer vegetable, herbaceous and flower seeds. Our seeds are open pollinated and certified organic or grown naturally . Without any G.M.O or pesticides and in total respect of biodiversity!
Oak Summit Nursery
Web: www.oaksummitnursery.ca
Email: doug@oaksummitnursery.ca
Established: 2020
We're a mail order Manitoba nursery offering cold hardy fruit trees and berry bushes, nut trees, native trees, cold hardy perennials, tree and perennial seeds.
Omega Blue Farms
Web: www.omegabluefarms.ca
Established: 2004
Omega Blue Farms is a heritage animal and heirloom plant conservation farm. The animal and plant varieties we utilize are maintained, restored, and improved using traditional breeding and morganic practices.
OSC Seeds (Ontario Seed Company)
Phone: 519-886-0557
Web: www.oscseeds.com
Email: seeds@oscseeds.com
Established: 1891
For over 100 years the Ontario Seed Company has been serving the Canadian gardener with the finest quality flower vegetable and herb seeds.
Pacific Northwest Seeds
Phone: (250) 558-0081
Web: www.pnwseeds.ca
Email: pnwseeds@shawbiz.ca
Pacific Northwest Seeds is a wholesale supplier of Garden Seed Packet Displays available to retailers in Alberta and British Columbia. Pacific Northwest Seeds is a proudly Canadian company. Our seed is of the highest quality and vitality with an excellent selection of vegetables, herbs and flowers.
PNW Seeds does not sell directly to the public or through this website, but our packets can be found in many fine retail stores. Names of local retailers selling Pacific Northwest Seeds can be forwarded to you upon request.
PEI Seed Alliance
Phone: 902 598 8076
Web: peiseedalliance.ca
Email: emmerdaleorganics@hotmail.com
Established: 2015
The Prince Edward Island Seed Alliance is a network of small farmers committed to trialing, growing out, & preserving open pollinated varieties of vegetable, herb & flower seed that has adapted well to our Maritime climate. Food security & seed sovereignty for our region & for Canada is our major priority.
Pepiniere ancestrale
Phone: 418-423-3070
Web: www.pepiniereancestrale.com
Email: info@pepiniereancestrale.com
La mission de la Pépinière Ancestrale est de sauvegarder d’anciennes
variétés d’arbres fruitiers et des arbustes à petits fruits de l’époque de
nos ancêtres.
Ces variétés ont été découvertes sur des fermes longeant les chemins
Craig et Gosford construits dans les Appalaches entre les années 1810
et 1843.
Des Irlandais, Écossais et Français vinrent s’y établir au 19ème siècle.
La pépinière se spécialise dans la greffe d'arbres et arbustes fruitiers
rustiques pour les régions nordiques avec des particularités comme la
résistance aux maladies.
La production est faite de façon biologique
Pepper Merchant
Web: www.peppermerchant.net/
Email: orders@peppermerchant.net
Pepper Merchant grows all their own inventory on a farm in Ontario and ships nationwide. The farm operates on a repurposed christmas tree farm located in the Ottawa Valley. The seeds are grown in isolated and non-isolated conditions depending on the product you select. They have a heavy focus on hard to come by and unusual pepper seeds available on their site. You can catch us online year round or at Seedy Saturdays across Ontario.
Perfectly Perennial Herbs and Seeds
Web: www.perfectlyperennial.ca
Email: info@perfectlyperennial.ca
Established: 2013
We grow a variety of fruits and vegetables and gather our seeds from perennial and self-seeding annuals, herbs and flowers.
Phone: (705) 724-1144
Web: www.seeds.soggycreek.com
Email: seeds@soggycreek.com
Established: 2005
An unusual collection of hardy, open-pollinated heirlooms.
All of our seed is grown with love, using organic methods. Plants used to use brightly coloured fruits, birds, burrs or the wind to aid with
their seep dispersal; now they have Soggy Creek Seed Co. Check out our catalogue online.
Potager d'Antan
Phone: 450-787-9927
Web: www.potagersdantan.wordpress.com
Email: potagersdantan@hotmail.com
Established: 2010
Tomates, haricots, ail, melons, oignons, topinambour, crosnes et souchet, etc. Commande en ligne. Potager d’Antan est aussi un blogue de jardinage sur l’histoire des variétés du patrimoine.
Prairie Garden Seeds
Phone: 306-682-1475
Web: prairiegardenseeds.ca
Established: 1987
Organically grown open-pollinated seed for short season, dryland growing. Many heirloom varieties with historical backgrounds supplied. On-line catalog or Canadians only obtain printed catalog for $2 Canadian postage stamps.
Prairie Hardy Nursery
Phone: 587.410.1223
Web: www.prairiehardynursery.ca/
Email: prairiehardynursery@gmail.com
Established: 2017
Prairie Hardy Nursery is an artisan fruit tree nursery located on the prairies, specialising in the propagation of rare and unique edible trees for the Canadian climate. Prairie Hardy Nursery is a mail-order company where you order on their website and your order will be shipped out Canada wide in the Spring. Each order goes through a thorough quality control process, ensuring only the best plants will arrive at your doorstep.
Railway Creek Farms
Phone: 613-813-3918
Web: www.railwaycreekfarm.ca
Email: info@railwaycreekfarm.ca
Naturally grown garlic.
Rainbow Seeds
Phone: 506-512-0847
Web: www.rainbowseeds.ca
Email: rainbowseed@yahoo.com
Established: 2015
Heirloom, Open Pollinated and Non-GMO Vegetable Garden Seeds company.
Rasa Creek Farm
Phone: 250-547-2077
Web: www.rasacreekfarm.com
Email: info@rasacreekfarm.com
Rasa (Rah'-sa) Creek Farm: suppliers of organic seed garlic, organic culinary garlic and bulbils, for sale to gardeners and farmers throughout Canada. We're also a training center for Permaculture Design here in the Okanagan Valley of BC.
Ravensong Seeds & Herbals
Phone: 250-337-1972
Web: www.ravensongherbals.com
Email: ravensongherbals@protonmail.com
Established: 2011
Small artisan seed and herbal product business located in the Comox Valley, Vancouver Island BC.
200 + rare, hard-to-find open-pollinated non-GMO seed varieties including medicinal herbs, culinary herbs, dye plants, edible flowers, permaculture plants and a small selection of greens and veggies. Our farm also produces high quality herbal products such as fresh plant tinctures, hydrosols, syrups, infused oils, and salves. We grow, gather and craft each and every one of the herbs we use in our products.
Rebecca's Garden
Phone: 250-727-3788
Web: rebeccasgarden.ca
Email: rebsgarden@shaw.ca
Certified organic and heritage vegetables, berries, flowers, herbs, seeds, plants, preserves and dried products, including over 30 varieties of unique heritage dry beans.
Red Lion Organic Farms
Phone: 250-509-2300
Web: www.redlionorganic.com
Email: sales@redlionorganic.com
Established: 2014
Red Lion Farm, specializing in certified organic seed garlic, has been in the Berukoff family for four generations and has recently been restored to preserve its rich cultural heritage. Our goal is to provide high quality, healthy soil and food for our communities and to tell a story in honor of the people whom once resided. All farm inputs have been carefully chosen to adhere to the organic certification guidelines.
Revival Seeds
Phone: 902-825-6699
Web: revivalseeds.ca
Email: info@revivalseeds.ca
Established: 2017
Family farm and business located in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia that offers organically grown and open-pollinated vegetables, herbs, and flower varieties.
Rhora's Nut Farm & Nursery
Phone: 905-899-3508
Web: www.nuttrees.com
Email: rhoras@nuttrees.com
Cold-hardy rare and unusual fruit and nut trees. Trees to zone 1. Ships across Canada.
Richters Herbs
Phone: 905-640-6677
Web: www.richters.com
Email: orderdesk@richters.com
Established: 1969
An enormous selection of unique seeds and plants. On-line catalog gives descriptions and uses for plants.
Root Cellar Gardens
Phone: (807) 577-9937
Web: www.rootcellargardens.com/
Email: rootcellargardens@gmail.com
Established in 2014, Root Cellar Gardens grows certified organic, open pollinated seeds adapted to Northern Ontario.
Saanich Organics
Web: www.saanichorganics.com
Established: 2002
A community of farmers from small, certified organic farms who work together to supply fresh local produce and top-quality organic seeds.
Sage Garden Herbs
Phone: 204-257-2715
Web: www.sagegarden.ca
Established: 1996
Look for an excellent selection of organic herbs, veggies and flowers.
Salt Spring Apple Company
Phone: 250-538-2197
Web: www.saltspringapplecompany.com
Through this business, we hope we're building on the inroads a handful of Salt Spring apple growers such as Harry Burton were already making when we started, while taking advantage of modern knowledge and techniques.
Please come and visit us on beautiful Salt Spring Island to select your new apple tree. If that doesn't work for you, we may be able to deliver your new tree right to your door if you're located on Vancouver Island or B.C.'s Lower Mainland and, in March of each year, we can mail bareroot trees to other locations in Canada.
We're growing in harmony with the land and in our own small way, helping renew and reinvigorate Salt Spring’s position as British Columbia’s historic apple source.
Salt Spring Seeds
Phone: 250-537-5269
Web: www.saltspringseeds.com
Email: dan@saltspringseeds.com
Established: 1986
Dedicated to sustainable agriculture. Organically grown open-pollinated seeds. Specializes in beans. A large and interesting variety of vegetables grains and garlic.
Saturday Seed Company
Web: www.saturdayseedco.ca/
Email: matthew@saturdayseedco.ca
Established: 2020
Saturday Seed Co. is a very small seed company focusing on Open-pollinated, organic seeds curated for Canadian backyard gardeners.
Phone: 647-893-7916
Web: scovillecanada.com
Email: scovillecanadaweb@gmail.com
Seed & Scarecrow Farm
Web: www.seedandscarecrowfarm.com
Email: seedandscarecrowfarm@gmail.com
Established: 2017
Seeds, vegetables, and fruit grown passionately and ecologically.
Seed to Seed
Web: www.seedtoseed.ca
Email: contact@seedtoseed.ca
We are pleased to launch Seed to Seed, an initiative dedicated to making seeds available to all who are interested in the joyful and important work of seed security and sovereignty and the pleasures of abundant, delicious and beautiful plants. We grow all of the seeds that we offer right here at our own farm and always use sustainable growing practices.
Seeds of Diversity Canada
Phone: 226-600-7782
Web: www.seeds.ca
Email: mail@seeds.ca
Established: 1984
A grassroots seed exchange whose members offer seeds and bulbs of heirloom and scarce varieties of vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, and flowers.
Seeds of IMBOLC
Web: www.seedsofIMBOLC.ca
Email: kat@seedsofIMBOLC.ca
At Seeds of IMBOLC, I offer only non-GMO, non hybrid varieties of seeds, plants and flowers that are grown here in Ontario, without chemicals or pesticides.
I am dedicated to offering you locally grown, open pollinated and time-tested, outstanding flower & vegetable varieties, many unusual heirlooms, especially chosen for home gardeners & flower farmers.
We hand pack superior quality seed – top germinating, reliable seed, from healthy vigorous plants grown in healthy soil. Our seed is always tested for top germination rates. We offer fresh cut flowers, dahlia tubers, chrysanthemum rooted cuttings & some plants.
Web: www.seedsaving.ca
Email: jendehaan@gmail.com
Jen deHaan is a seed saver on central Vancouver Island in zone 8b.
She enjoys growing rare heirloom, landrace, open source varieties using no-dig stockfree practices. Jen supports the effort to add genetic diversity to local seed stock for food security, and hopes to contribute to the growing catalog of open source seed varieties some day.
Short Season Seeds
Web: www.shortseasonseeds.ca/
Email: jolene@woodgrain.ca
We are a small seed company that sells to local retailers and in bulk to small seed companies. We are also a producer member of the BC Eco Seed Co-op to work towards increasing the quantity and quality of seed produced in BC.
Seed crop production takes place at WoodGrain Farm, alongside market vegetable production and farmsteading.
We believe that there is no food security without seed security. In saving seeds we strive to cultivate robust and resilient foodways that nourish our community.
Silver Creek Nursery
Phone: 519-804-6060
Web: www.silvercreeknursery.ca
Email: sales@silvercreeknursery.ca
Products include: Heritage, disease-resistant, and cold-hardy varieties of apple, pear, quince, apricot, peach, cherry, plum, asian pear, and
some small fruit. Also insect trapping supplies and tree planting supplies.
Small Island Seed Co.
Web: smallislandseedco.com
Email: smallislandseedco@gmail.com
Established: 2020
We’re a small independent seed farm located on Protection Island, BC. We aim to increase local biodiversity by spreading seeds of rare, unusual, cold tolerant, and perennial food crops.
Solana Seeds
Web: solanaseeds.netfirms.com/welcome.html
Email: solana@aei.ca
Solana Seeds is a small seed company from Quebec, Canada, offering a variety of vegetable, flower and exotic plant seeds.
We have many heirlooms, unusual and rare items available, including more than 200 tomato varieties, and many peppers.
Wonderful pictures accompany the descriptions.
No printed catalogue offered.
Sow Local Seeds
Web: www.sowlocalseeds.ca/
We're a seed producing farm offering Canadian gardeners regionally adapted and organically (non-certified) grown heirloom vegetable, herb and flower seeds. Connect with us @sowlocalseeds and shop seeds on our website.
Sowing Kits Seeds & Pulses
Web: www.sowingkits.com/
Email: sowingkits@gmail.com
Regenerative small-scale seed farm specializing in pulses and their beneficial companions. As a proud grower-member of the BC Eco Seed Co-op, our seeds are sustainably grown, organic (not certified), climate-adaptable and open-pollinated. Located on unceded Musqueam Coast Salish lands. Zone 8b.
Stokes Seeds Ltd
Phone: 800-396-9238
Web: www.stokeseeds.com
Email: stokes@stokeseeds.com
Established: 1882
Stokes is a distributor of over 3,500 varieties of flower, vegetable and herb seed to customers throughout North America. Through technological advances and extensive seed variety trials we are committed to assisting and supplying all gardeners, from the large commercial grower to the beginner hobbyist, the highest quality seed along with the know-how to ensure success. Visit www.stokeseeds.com to learn more.
Sunshine Farm
Phone: 250-448-1826
Web: www.sunshinefarm.net
Email: sunshinefarm@mail.com
Established: 2008
We sell certified organic seeds and specialize in rare, heirloom and unusual varieties of tomatoes, vegetables, herbs and some flowers.
Superior Seed Producers
Phone: 807-285-0189
Web: www.superiorseedproducers.wordpress.com/
Email: superiorseedproducers@gmail.com
Superior Seed Producers is a collective of local Thunder Bay area growers who promote the saving and distribution of locally adapted, sustainably grown, open-pollinated non-GMO seeds in Northwestern Ontario, while educating and supporting those who want to learn more about saving seeds. Our aim is to provide gardeners who have favourite varieties adapted to our climate an opportunity to share them in a meaningful way that acknowledges the work involved. By including numerous growers who can contribute one or a few locally adapted varieties, we are developing a range of local seeds to sell.
Swallowtail Native Plants
Web: www.swallowtailnativeplants.ca/
Email: info@swallowtailnativeplants.ca
Swallowtail Native Plants produces native wildflower, grass and shrub seeds for Ontario. Our 13-acre property is in the heart of Toronto’s Greenbelt on the Oak Ridges Moraine. We locally source our seed so it will be adapted to the environmental conditions and seasonal weather patterns of our region. Our seed has high levels of genetic diversity which creates resilient plant populations. Our mission is to help gardeners and restoration professionals create habitat and increase biodiversity.
Sweet Rock Farm
Phone: 250-713-9041
Web: www.sweetrockfarm.ca
Established: 2010
Open-pollinated, heirloom, and unique vegetable seeds, all grown on our farm. Certified organic.
T & T Seeds Ltd.
Phone: 204-895-9962
Web: www.ttseeds.com
Email: garden@ttseeds.com
Established: 1946
We offer a wide variety of high quality, non-GMO seeds and perishable plant stock. We ship across the Canadian provinces and Territories, and have taken pride in our quality products and customer service for over 75 years.
Tardigrade Seeds
Web: eagleridgeseeds.com/collections/tardigrade-seeds
Established: 2025
Tardigrade Seeds specializes in heat and drought-adapted varieties of favorite vegetables and unique international crops. We offer artisanal, natural seeds for changing times. Grown with hope on our Salt Spring Island farm.
Terra Edibles
Phone: 613-961-0654
Web: www.terraedibles.ca
Email: karyn@terraedibles.ca
Established: 1993
Organically grown vegetable and flower seeds including uncommon, rare and heirloom varieties many with unique qualities such as superior flavour, higher nutritive value, low space requirements, or bee plant. All OP. Catalog is online and can be downloaded.
Terre Promise
Phone: 514-268-4253
Web: www.terrepromise.ca
Email: lyne@terrepromise.ca
Established: 2015
Nous produisons des semences de plantes potagères de variétés anciennes ou rares – et nous procédons à la sélection de variétés ayant des caractéristiques propices à l’adaptation aux changements climatiques à venir. Elles sont toutes à pollinisation libre, non génétiquement modifiée et aucune n’est sous brevet. Elles sont produites de façon écologique, sans pesticides ou engrais chimique. Nous croyons que la nature sait mieux que personne comment suffire à ses besoins.
The Cutting Veg
Phone: 647-388-7444
Web: www.thecuttingveg.com
Email: daniel@thecuttingveg.com
Established: 2008
Organic Seed Garlic available, including Persian, Tibetan, Ukrainian, Korean, Italian, Former Yugoslavian, Sicilian, and more. Contact daniel@thecuttingveg.com for an order form.
The Secret Garden
Web: www.thesecretgardenonline.org
Email: supersecretgarden1@gmail.com
The Secret Garden is a small flower and seed farm located near Blyth, Ontario. The Secret Garden is committed to maintaining the amazing diversity of the plant world. We grow high quality fresh cut flowers in season and we offer seed that has been grown right here on our farm. Our flowers and seed are not only grown with passion, care and a dedication to preservation, but they are also adaptable, productive and beautiful. In addition to many traditional favourites, we grow a range of rare and unique specimens.
The Seed Company by E.W. Gaze
Phone: 709-722-4590
Web: www.theseedcompany.ca
Email: orders@theseedcompany.ca
Established: 1925
Gaze Seed Co. was founded in 1925 by Ernest Walter Gaze and was the first store of its kind in Newfoundland. Specializing in high-quality vegetable and flower seeds, Gaze quickly became the go-to spot on the island for gardeners and farmers alike.
Fast forward to today, and the store is now being run by E.W.'s great-grandson, Peter Byrne. He is also bringing the company "back to its roots" with a renewed commitment to quality and a promise to always have something new and exciting in store.
The Superior Gardener
Web: www.thesuperiorgardener.ca/
Email: thesuperiorgardener@gmail.com
Established: 2020
Situated in the heart of Lake Superior in Northern Ontario, Canada, our small but mighty enterprise, based in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, is the exclusive birthplace of every vegetable, herb, and flower seed we offer. Every seed is cultivated and produced on-site, truly embodying our commitment to authenticity and quality. Immerse yourself in the essence of Lake Superior's beauty, and let our homegrown, organic, open-pollinated seeds, tailored for Northern climates, transform your gardening journey. IG: @thesuperiorgardener
Thistledown Seed
Web: thistledownseed.ca
Email: thistledownseed@outlook.com
Established: 2025
We purchased our acreage in Canoe Cove, Prince Edward Island in 2009 and have focused on returning the property to a more natural state. We don't use pesticides or herbicides. Creating a refuge for birds and insects has been a privilege and a joy. The garden has grown through the years and we are excited to be able to share seed with you now.
Three Forks Farms
Phone: 705-931-6074
Web: threeforksfarms.com
Email: grow@threeforksfarms.com
Established: 2016
A small Manitoulin Island seed company offering regionally adapted short season certified organic vegetable and flower seeds.
Tiny Monster Garden
Web: www.tiny-monster-garden.square.site/
Email: info@tinymonstergarden.com
Open Pollinated garden seed.
Tree Time
Phone: 1-844-873-3700
Web: www.treetime.ca
Email: sales@treetime.ca
We are Canada's largest online provider of woody plants, especially for evergreens, deciduous, as well as native plants and shrubs. We supply millions of seedlings across Canada and into the USA. Currently we are a registered provider of seed for the Alberta Native Plant Council and the Native Plants Society of Saskatchewan.
Twining Vine Garden
Phone: 250-335-0584
Web: www.twiningvinegarden.com/
Email: twiningsandy@gmail.com
Celebrate Nature's plant diversity with our rare or difficult to find tree, shrub, perennial and heirloom vegetable & herb seeds.
Urban Harvest
Phone: 416-523-2236
Web: www.uharvest.ca
Email: grow@uharvest.ca
Established: 1997
Urban Harvest is dedicated to providing its customers with seedlings and garden supplies that promote ecological diversity and preserve the health of our planet. Our plant seeds and garden supplies are specially chosen for their unique qualities by seasoned urban gardeners. All of our seedlings are grown in or near the greater Toronto area to support our local economy.All cert. org. and OP.
Urban Tomato
Web: www.urbantomato.ca
Email: jillian@urbantomato.ca
Established: 2006
A carefully curated collection of heirloom seeds & the knowledge you need to get growing your own! All seeds are homegrown and hand packed by owner.
Vesey's Seeds Ltd.
Phone: 800-363-7333
Web: www.veseys.com
Email: customerservice@veseys.com
Established: 1940
A large selection of seeds plants and gardening supplies. Spring & Fall bulb catalogs for Canadian customers only.
Phone: 800-723-9071
Web: www.dominion-seed-house.com
Email: mail@whperron.com
Mail order catalog of seeds, plants, and bulbs for gardeners. Catalog free and on-line. Dominion Seed House was sold to WH Perron.
West Coast Seeds Ltd.
Phone: 604-952-8820
Web: www.westcoastseeds.com
Email: orderdesk@westcoastseeds.com
Established: 1986
Offering over 1000 varieties of untreated, non-GMO, non-GEO, open pollinated, and hybrid seeds and gardening supplies.
Weston Seeds
Phone: (905) 264-6677
Web: westonseeds.com
Email: info@westonseeds.com
Weston Seeds is a third generation family business with over 50 years of growing and harvesting history proudly serving the gardening community.
Wildrose Heritage Seed
Phone: 403-380-0098
Web: www.wildroseheritageseed.com
Email: admin@wildroseheritageseed.com
Established: 2012
We are a family based operation offering only heirloom vegetable seed varieties located in Alberta. We have over 1000 seed types that we are currently testing for viability for the future years.
William Dam Seeds
Phone: 905-628-6641
Web: www.damseeds.com
Email: info@damseeds.com
Established: 1950
Untreated seeds; more than 900 varieties of vegetables flowers and herbs. Many European and heirloom but not marked as such.
Winnipeg Sweet Potato
Web: www.winnipegsweetpotato.com
Healthy, locally grown, and spray free sweet potato slips are available through our online web store as well as at a few trusted retailers in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.
We proudly offer for sale, an orange fleshed edible variety proven to be productive on the prairies.
Locally producing these young plants on a small scale means that we can ensure that they are of the highest quality and provide the best chance of success in your garden.
Our vines are always raised free from chemicals and individually cared for until the time is right.
During mid MAY they will be hand selected and made available for purchase from local retailers. Sweet potato slips ordered online will be delivered by Canada post when weather is suitable in late May.
Winnow Seed Company
Web: www.winnowseedco.ca/
Email: winnowseedco@gmail.com
Our farm is located in sunny Krestova, BC surrounded by forest and mountains. We grow high quality seed that is certified organic in BC, open-pollinated and regionally adapted. We harvest seed from a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers while stewarding the land in a way that promotes biodiversity, improves soil health and is ecologically sound.
Yonder Hill Farm
Phone: (902) 685 3470
Web: yonderhillfarm.ca
Email: yonderhillfarm.ca@gmail.com
Established: 2009
We grow over 150 varieties of vegetable, grain, flower, and herb seeds, all by hand and ecologically. We sell only what we’ve carefully grown ourselves, which means we can assure high quality seeds for your garden.
Zombie Seedz
Phone: 450-521-0726
Web: zombieseedz.ca
Email: zombieseedz@gmail.com
Established: 2019
Seedz for the zombie apocalypse. This fun seed company showcases home-made zombie videos, and provides good seeds too. Delicious seeds for your survival needs!