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Tomato : Dwarf Russian Swirl

We have 6 samples of this variety in our collection.

Grower/Source: Greta's Family Gardens
Sample #9032
Quantity in storage: 0.06 grams
Grower/Source: Brigitte Lauzon
Sample #9264
Quantity in storage: 0.73 grams
Sample #9265
Quantity in storage: 0.242 grams
Grower/Source: E.H. Randall
Sample #9274
Quantity in storage: 0.484 grams
Sample #9275
Quantity in storage: 0.242 grams
Grower/Source: Christina Lentz
Sample #9296
Quantity in storage: 0.142 grams

$ 0    

Not Adopted Yet

This variety was available from the following Canadian seed company within the past few years.
Please support our local heritage seed companies.