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Sunflower : Seneca

We have 6 samples of this variety in our collection.

Grower/Source: Little Pine's Traditional Seeds
Original quantity: 812 grams
Backup quantity: 270 grams
Sample #4389
Quantity in storage: 104 grams
Sample #4390
Quantity in storage: 266 grams
Grower/Source: Little Pine's Traditional Seeds
Original quantity: 99 grams
Backup quantity: 33 grams
Sample #4405
Quantity in storage: 30 grams
Sample #4406
Quantity in storage: 34 grams
Grower/Source: Neil Lash via SSE
Sample #8428
Quantity in storage: 50 grams
Sample #8429
Quantity in storage: 31 grams


Fully Adopted

This variety has been permanently adopted by the donation of

  • Suzanne Hanna, Seeds of Diversity Chair of Board, 2014, from Body Shop 2013 Charitable Proceeds

According to our records, no Canadian seed companies are selling this variety.