In this Issue:

Finding Seed - Some great resources

In the Fields - Qualicum Beach Seedy Saturday volunteer Joy Smith

Choosing Varieties - a quick terminology run-down

Seedy Saturdays Across the Country



Have you seen these resources?

Seedy Saturday events listings - A list of all the Seedy Saturdays across the country, searchable by date and province

Canadian Seed Catalogue Inventory - a searchable database of all the seed we know to be sold in Canada

Member Seed Directory - available online very soon, or arriving in your mailbox in February! (For current members only)






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January 2012

If you’re anything like me, January is a time of year for curling up with a mug of tea and a stack of seed catalogues, dreaming of the tasty harvest and colourful blossoms of warmer weather to come. We’ve devoted this eBulletin issue to questions of seed acquisition – where to find it and how to choose it.

In particular, we’re highlighting a few of our own seedy resources, including over 100 incredible Seedy Saturday events happening across the country in coming weeks. Don't miss out on a great community gathering. We're continuing to update our website with new event dates and locations - find one near you. Also, if you're a member, keep an eye on your inbox next week for your link to the online version of our 2012 Member Seed Directory! (For those who've requested them,  paper copies will follow in coming weeks.)

~Angie Koch


Finding Seed - Some Great Resources!

We’re of course excited about helping you locate some of your favourite or as-yet-undiscovered varieties, so we’ve compiled a list of online resources to assist you in your search. Check out these online catalogues and databases to identify sources of Canadian, heritage, organic or other hard-to-find seed:



In the Fields - Joy Smith, Qualicum Bay Seedy Saturdays

Boasting 2,400 attendees last year, the Qualicum Beach Seedy Saturday has become a major community event since its inauguration 10 years ago. Founding organizer Joy Smith has been involved every year as the event has grown. In fact, she has been such a force that the Qualicum Beach Seedy Saturday Committee decided this year to adopt the bean variety Everbearing Joy into our Canadian Seed Library in her honour.



Choosing Varieties - What the Seed Catalogues are Trying to Tell You

Seed catalogues are full of terminology which isn’t always well-explained. We've written up a quick glossary of relevant terms and characteristics to pay attention to when choosing your varieties, including OP vs Hybrid, Determinate vs Indeterminate, Treated vs Untreated, and Heirloom vs Heritage seeds:



Seedy Saturdays Across the Country

During the long, cold Canadian winter, gardeners enjoy attending Seedy Saturdays — a series of non-profit, public seed swaps held across the country. They are organized by individuals and community groups that see a need for gardeners, seed companies, nurseries, gardening organizations, historic sites, and community groups to learn from one another, exchange ideas, and purchase or swap seeds and plants in a comfortable, social setting.


Seeds of Diversity Canada   —   P.O. Box 36 Stn Q, Toronto, ON M4T 2L7   —   1-866-509-SEED (7333)   —

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