Seeds of Diversity
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Where to Get Canadian Seeds!

Did you know that most of the vegetable seeds sold at big stores, and retailed by large seed companies, are produced in other countries, particularly the U.S.?

Check the labels and look for Canadian-produced seeds. Canada has lots of great home-grown seeds, and we'll help you find them!


Use our Canadian Seed Finder

It makes sense that seeds produced near you will grow better than seeds produced in a different climate. That's why we've listed all the vegetable seeds available from 120 Canadian seed companies, and made it easy for you to filter them by region. You can even search for certified organic seeds, and bulk quantities.

You have to check the details on each company's web site to find out which seeds are produced in Canada, but if they're home-grown the companies usually make a point of saying so.

While you're browsing the Seed Finder, look for varieties that are only available from one or two companies. Those are the important ones to save, and we encourage you to take the "Save One Rare Variety" challenge!

Use our Member Seed Exchange

Our members save seeds in their own gardens, and offer them to you through our Seed Exchange. It's a great way to get truly home-grown seeds, and the diversity is second to none. This year our seed savers have over 2900 different varieties of vegetables, flowers, grains, and herbs to share with other members. Join up now if you haven't already - membership is free!

Visit a Seedy Saturday or Seedy Sunday

This year there are over 170 Seedy Saturday/Sunday gardening events across Canada, and you should visit one near you. These low-cost events are full of gardening advice, speakers, connections with friendly gardeners, and of course - seeds! Local seed vendors, community seed libraries, and backyard seed savers are the backbone of these events, and they will help you find the perfect, locally-grown seeds for your garden this year. Check our events list for a Seedy Saturday/Sunday near you.


Take the Save One Rare Variety Challenge

Here's the easiest and best way to make a real difference as a seed saver. You don't need a lot of experience, a lot of space, or any special tools. Just choose a plant species that you know how to grow, find a variety that's relatively rare, and learn how to grow more of those seeds. If everyone saved just One Rare Variety in their garden, those seeds might not be rare anymore!


Join Our Community Seed Grow-Outs 2025

Every year, we invite our members to participate in seed saving projects for beginners and experts.

If you're new to saving seeds, or you have a few years of experience, we invite you to get involved in the Community Seed Grow-out projects below. These are aimed toward gardeners with good experience growing plants, enough space for proper seed-saving isolation, and an enthusiasm for multiplying seeds for next year's projects and for sharing with other gardeners in your community next year.

If you have lots of experience, we invite you to join these projects, but we especially need your help with our Core Seed Library grow-outs (please scroll to the bottom).

Deadlines extended to March 15 !


No GMO Salad!

At Seedy Saturdays and Seedy Sundays you might have seen some concerns about new genetically modified (GM) vegetable seeds on the market this year. Our friends at CBAN (Canadian Biotechnology Action Network) are alerting gardeners, farmers, and especially organic seed producers that this new reality is happening in 2025.

For many years, GM crops in Canada have been limited to field crops such as soybeans, corn, canola, alfalfa and sometimes potatoes. Vegetable gardeners have not had to question whether their seeds are genetically modified, but this year there are a number of mustard greens and salad mixes that could be GM, unlabelled, sold in grocery stores, and possibly as retail garden seeds.


In this issue

Take the Save One Rare Variety Challenge

Join Our Community Seed Grow-Outs 2025

No GMO Salad!

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An annual membership to Seeds of Diversity gives you access to our seed exchange, seed grow-out programs, and our online news.

We depend on donations to do our work.

Thank you for your support!

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Seeds of Diversity Canada   —   #1-12 Dupont St West, Waterloo ON N2L 2X6   —   (226) 600-7782   —

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