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Back to January 2014 Newsletter

Pollinator Patch: Charitable Clicks

The grey skies of January have descended, and with our landscapes blanketed under snow and ice, it may be easy to forget that a symphony of plants and insects will burst through in about ten weeks. In the meantime, we can warm up our fingers by clicking, voting and sharing links for two organizations that help our pollinators:

1) The first project involves Wildlife Preservation Canada and its nationwide initiative to save endangered pollinators as a contestant in Shell’s “Fuelling Change” competition. The competition allows you to vote for "Operation Pollination" in the hopes that it will garner large cash awards. Voting is done online and is very easy ... simply click on the above link, and click on the large red VOTE button. Sign up and you may then donate all 30 votes at once to Operation Pollination.

Additionally, every Shell receipt – for gasoline or convenience store products – contains a unique code, so you can log in to the contest site, enter the code to redeem your allotment of votes, and cast your votes for Operation Pollination.

One of the endeavours included in Wildlife Preservation Canada's effort to help pollinators is to protect and restore habitat capable of supporting the Karner blue butterfly.

2) The second project includes a video about pollinators and the issues they face: habitat destruction, pesticides, disease and pests. Polllinator Partnership (P2) produced the video, and they are the largest worldwide organization that strives to protect pollinators. By simply sharing the video via Twitter and Facebook, P2 receives $5 for each share from The Giving Library, with the potential to receive up to $100,000 in total! You can support P2 without spending any money until January 31, 2014.

Pollinator Partnership is responsible for many actions that help pollinators thrive, one of which is the annual conference that we attend, called the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), usually held in Washington, D.C. each October.

How to Share:

  1. Visit the Pollinator Partnership page at the Giving Library.

  2. Click the “Share Now” button

    located in the frame to the right of the video (as pictured below, above the red arrow).
  3. Create an account if you don’t already have one by connecting through your Facebook, Twitter account or with your email address.

  4. Click “Share on Facebook” or “Share on Twitter.”

  5. Share either the default message or a message of your choice.

  6. The Pollinator Partnership will receive $5 per share!!

share now

Finally, in related news, we wanted to THANK YOU all for previously using your fingers to vote for Pollination Canada as a recipient of the Body Shop Foundation Charity Campaign. The first donation to be received is over $2400.00! We will be making seed adoptions with the money, prioritizing plants that need pollinators.


Back to January 2014 Newsletter

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