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May 2012

May 22 is the International Day for Biological Diversity! Since 2002, the United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. Look for events in your local community, or find a creative way to mark this day in support of biodiversity.

We're excited to launch another great project this month - the Purplestem Aster Pollination Adventure (PAPA) is getting underway and we are looking for volunteers to plant and monitor asters in their gardens this summer. This is one of our new citizen scientist programs and we'd love your help in supporting pollinator population research - read the Pollinator Patch article below to find out more.

Finally - 1 more piece of good news for members! Your SEEDING issue of our magazine was mailed last week so you should receive it soon if you haven't already. (Please remember to advise us of address changes.) For non-members, you missed great articles including Bee Friendly Pollination, Squash in the Americas, and Successful Germination! Become a member if you'd like to start receiving our magazine twice a year!


The Pollinator Patch - Volunteer Call for the Purplestem Aster Pollination Adventure

Focus on Flowers - Milkweed

In the Fields - Yuko's Perfumed Gardens

Seedy Saturday Success!

Seeds of Diversity Canada   —   P.O. Box 36 Stn Q, Toronto, ON M4T 2L7   —   1-866-509-SEED (7333)   —

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