This is the time of the season when fruits and vegetables from the garden become really abundant. The first delicious cherry tomatoes, the first few zucchinis, and that wonderful first bite of your favourite, sweet melon. Before long, we'll have tomatoes on every windowsill, and neighbours will be trying to give away their extra zucchini!
It's also the time to start collecting seeds. If you miss picking a few green beans or peas, let the pods mature all the way until they give you free seeds. Instead of deadheading all your flowers, let a few ripen to brown seed heads so you can plant them again next year. And check your herbs - they'll start to give you easy-to-save seeds very soon.
With the Community Seed Network and FarmFolk CityFolk, we're collaborating to offer open discussion sessions for seed library and community seed bank organizers (and also anyone aspiring to start one).
Since 2017, our youth program has been supporting school-based food production in Waterloo Region in a plethora of ways that have morphed over time as we’ve learned the needs and capabilities of educators, students, and communities.
It all started with an idea to provide interested schools with grants of $1500 for the materials and inputs to start food gardens on their grounds. This idea took root in 2017-2018 with a few grants to select schools… And before we knew it, more than 45 schools (and early learning centres) in Waterloo Region had functional, engaging spaces for learning and growing food.
Herbs come in many forms, from tender annuals to woody perennial shrubs. You might not have to save seeds from the perennials, such as sage or lovage, because you can enjoy them for years without replanting, but refreshing your supply of annual herb seeds can be expensive. It can even be difficult if you have a favourite variety that's hard to find. Fortunately, most herbs produce easy-to-save seeds, so you can supply them yourself!
By Schools, For Schools: Sustaining School Gardens in Waterloo Region
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