Seeds of Diversity
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Celebrating 10 Years of The Bauta Family Initiative!

The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security was launched in 2013 to support Canadian farmers to increase the quality, quantity, and diversity of seeds they save, adapt, and breed. It's celebrating its 10-year anniversary by sharing stories about the incredible work that has been happening in our seed movement, thanks to the ingenuity, commitment, and passion of farmers who care about seed.

We often say that "seed work is slow work", and yet there are so many accomplishments to be celebrated. Read more about the work of Canada's amazing seed stewards and the seeds they've saved.

Click here to see inspiring stories from you and your fellow seed stewards!


Celebrating With Seed Stories!

Since 2013, the Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security has been working with farmers, gardeners, and partner agencies across Canada to improve the quality, quantity, and diversity of locally-grown seeds. Hosting conferences and demonstrations, webinars and on-farm training events, developing resources for seed producers, farmer plant breeders, bulk seed growers and retailers - and so much more that supports Canada's home-grown and organic seed system - there's a lot to celebrate!


Urban Agriculture in Canada

In the simplest of terms, urban agriculture is growing or producing food within cities and heavily populated municipalities. The global food sovereignty movement, which has been gaining traction since the 90s, brought with it a renewed interest in urban farming. In addition to the benefits of producing food locally, including cutting greenhouse gas emissions caused by transporting food long distances and supporting biodiversity in the city, urban farming (a term often used interchangeably with urban agriculture) can also carry economic benefits to communities.


In this issue

Celebrating With Seed Stories!

Urban Agriculture in Canada

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Seeds of Diversity Canada   —   #1-12 Dupont St West, Waterloo ON N2L 2X6   —   (226) 600-7782   —

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