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Back to January 2014 Newsletter

Sourcing Canadian Seed

We'd love to help you locate some of your favourite or as-yet-undiscovered varieties, so we’ve compiled a list of online resources to assist you in your search. Check out these online services to identify sources of Canadian, heritage, organic, regionally-adapted or other hard-to-find seed:

Seeds of Diversity's Canadian Seed Catalogue Inventory

Looking for seeds? This is a list of vegetable and fruit seeds that were sold in recent years by Canadian seed companies. Click on a section in the right-hand box to see the varieties available, and the companies that sold them. Visit these companies, buy their seeds, and enjoy a beautiful, diverse garden this summer.

Seeds of Diversity's Member Seed Directory

A listing of 3000 varieties of vegetable, fruit, grain and herb seeds saved by members across the country. This directory (and it's contents!) is available to members only, so sign up if you'd like access to this incredible grassroots resource: an incredible example of People Protecting the People's Seeds.

Ecological Seed Finder

This service (updated for the 2013 season) helps you find seeds that are well-suited to your region of Canada. Choose a crop species and select your region to find which seed suppliers are located near you. Local seed companies often sell the varieties that are best suited for your region. Local food grows better from local seeds!

Find Organic Seed

Canadian Organic Growers developed with the goal of making it easier for organic farmers to find the seed they need. Browse the catalogues of many organic suppliers. Keep track of your choices by making a "seed list" that you can come back to as often as you like.

Seedy Saturdays

These events happen all across the country through the winter months, and each features a community seed exchange. Trade or purchase seed grown by local gardeners. We have an event listing on our website - check back for updates as the winter progresses.

Seed Living

Get involved in this online forum for seed savers offering homegrown seeds for sale and swap. Search among hundreds of choices offered by gardeners, farmers, seed collectors, bee keepers, homesteaders and woodworkers. You must register and be a validated SeedLiving member in order to sell and swap. Registration and validation are free.

Saskatchewan-Alberta Organic Producers Directory

The Saskatchewan-Alberta Organic Producers Directory is a jointly funded effort undertaken by your local organic farmers in Alberta and Saskatchewan. There are over 1400 organic producers in Saskatchewan and Alberta producing everything from large green lentils to certified organic lamb. Use this directory to find the exact organically grown seeds that you need, exactly where and when you need them!


Back to January 2014 Newsletter

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